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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectDrustrui's Role Chapter 5
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=28666&mesg_id=28687
28687, Drustrui's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

The Princess
Added Thu Jul 2 16:27:28 2009 at level 46:

Drustrui was sitting idly by the Gates of Sahaam in Hamsah Mutazz when a nomadic
camel train passed him. He watched it lazily until he looked past the silks that hung
around a large, ornamental looking, wagon. Inside this wagon sat the most beautiful
creatures Drustrui had ever seen. A girl of about 14 and twin boys that must have
been about half her age. Even from the distance he was from them he could see their
smooth, unblemished and shiny olive complexions which were a stark contrast to their
dazzling bright green eyes. They laughed and played inside the wagon and Drustrui
licked his lips without realising, longing to be them or be with them. He must have them
he thought and took the form of a beetle and scurried up to the lead camel to hitch a lift.
They stopped by a small oasis as the sun fell beneath the distant sands and Drustrui
moved away from the camp to rest his mind and recover from the rigors of maintaining
the insect body. As he stood by the shady desert trees he listened to the guards of the
wagon train talk about how quick 'Scalla the beetle god' has pushed the sun behind the
sands tonight. Drustrui could not help but grin to himself as he now had a definite way
to get the trust of the children. It would appear that a furtive marmot would not be of
use this time but a depiction of a god they believe in would be wonderful. He waited
until the guards had moved away before he took the form of a wombat and foraged about
for food and water. Drustrui then switched to his beetle form and scuttled towards the
childrens wagon. As he entered he could see that the twins had already taken to their beds
but the young girl was sitting by her bed, brushing her long dark hair. Drustrui moved past her
foot, at speed, and acknowledged her audible gasp. He stopped and turned around to look at
her and to his delight, she had stopped brushing her hair and was watching him. He moved
around in circles just to check and she was hooked. He rose up on his ear legs and then
shifted into his true form. The young girl gasped but did not call
and bowed before Drustrui mumbling something that he made out to be 'Great Scalla'.
The dialogue that followed resulted in the young girl offering herself as a sacrifice to save