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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectKyaltaru's Role Chapter 11
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=27531&mesg_id=27565
27565, Kyaltaru's Role Chapter 11
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 11

His New Purpose
Added Fri Jun 12 17:48:58 2009 at level 1:

The duergar struck the "Holy Dwarves" after a few days, only losing two men
to the sixty they slayed in the onslaught. They grew much respect for
Kyaltaru. Beginning to mediate between the two sides, Kyaltaru was amazed at
the newfound humility the "Holy Dwarves" had taken up after their beating.
They were the strongest power for miles, they knew it.. they held it over all
who came in contact with them. But with Kyaltaru's information and bravery,
the "Holy Dwarves" had repented. They began to trade and aid other's around
them, and swore to keep peace with the duergar that lived below them.

Kyaltaru felt accomplished, and revelation after revelation began to come to
him. If life was not taken in balance, the good and the evil.. the orderly
and chaotic.. all it ever led to was depression, death, and broken lives. His
spirit was more than strong, and although a purpose was brewing within him..
he could not help but dwell on the fact he had no family, and as much as he
appreciated Gulden and his clan, he wasn't fulfilled.

Realizing the three groups were set in their new ways of life, able to live
alone with no fear, doing their own things.. their own desires, he felt he
must see what else is in life. Receiving Gulden's blessings, the dwarves
hailed him as one they will never forget, and gave him permission to leave.
He wandered the land as a travelling minstrel for a few years, working on his
own songs, his own way of fighting, until he stumbled upon Thera.

After some exploration and absolute bewilderment at the creatures running
about.. he found a guild claiming to cater to those who loved music, they
advertised that their songs were imbued with magic, able to do things never
before done. Taking their mark, he walked into their bar and received a few
lessons, feeling at peace with his path. He was a bit anxious within the city
though and he nestled into some open plains nearby.

"This will be my new life. Other's will soon understand what I've experienced
and seen. Let Thera be balanced, may they understand.. and may I find other's
that feel the same" was uttered from his lips as he softly fell asleep within
the tall grass.