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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectKyaltaru's Role Chapter 5
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=27531&mesg_id=27559
27559, Kyaltaru's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Revelation and Progression
Added Thu Jul 16 16:06:19 2009 at level 51:

Dreary notes fill the air in the city of Hamsah Mu'Tazz. Kyaltaru is holding
an amber flask from the pits of hell and clutching it tightly. "Now.. to just
trick my wife.. why did you have to bring me to such lengths Lord Twist?" he
whispers with his grog stained breath. After some searching, he finds her,
and he slips the flask into his wife's pockets. Running to the base of the
Khalid river he tells her to quaff the first flask she finds, and her eyes
glaze over with the gaze of a construct. "I love you so much right now, I
don't know why I have this crazy feeling" she whispers softly as Kyaltaru
begins to feel more terrible by the minute. Handing her a whole flask of
scotch, he tells her to drink up as he begins to watch her...

It almost seems as if her mind is deteriorating by the minute, "I feel
terrible.. why am I drinking? I can't drink.. but I love you so much, I will
do what you say." she mutters as she falls in the river, almost drowning.
After snapping out of the trance of the love potion, she becomes so irate
that Kyaltaru almost feels the wrath of a woman could be stronger than
anything. She sends herself home and ceases her words for days.

He thinks for weeks, "What was the lesson I was supposed to learn? Why would
Lord Twist allow me to put my marriage on the line?". A blinding light fills
his eyes as the pure columns of mana appear before him shaping into Twist. "I
never thought I would see the day she drank, but then again.. that is the
lesson" he boldly states as he disperses and disappears once again.

"I have been merely a protector of magic, I cannot truly comprehend what this
means," Kyaltaru sadly whispers, but then it hits him. "Wait! With magic..
anything is possible!" and he almost sounds excited for once as knowledge
begins to fill his mind. Cherishing the knowledge of his first spell and
feeling the Might of Magic, he swares to himself to continue his path until
he breaths his last to defend this mysterious yet freedom invoking