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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectCalbaseeti's Role Chapter 10
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=27436&mesg_id=27464
27464, Calbaseeti's Role Chapter 10
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 10

Learned of the World
Added Mon May 25 06:10:28 2009 at level 23:

Through her experience with the Pool of the World she has learned a great
many memories of the places of the Thera as well as its races and cultures.
Yet due to her secluded upbringing combined with the fact that she was not
trained to gather a complete vision from the pool, she often finds herself
surprised by certain cultural norms or places.

One string of memories that she holds dear are the visions of the Lady
Rayihn. As a priestess she had not learned of the Lady, but now through her
quick experience in divination she has come to find the Lady like a kindred
spirit to herself. It is Calbaseetis most ardent wish to fall in the good
graces of the Lady of the Purple Lotus and learn from her the true nature of

Calbaseeti is also attracted to joining with the fraction known as the Nexus.
Her people instilled a great need for neutrality into her being, and as a
priestess of the tribe, she knows that the souls collected into the pool must
remain balanced in order to preserve the neutral integrity of her people as
well as optimize the energy of the pool. With each death ritual Calbaseeti
performs, she prepares a soul to either be recycled or moved into the
collective energies of the pool. As one with the Nexus, Calbaseeti will be
able to discern the needs of balance and therefore optimize the sacred relic
of her people. She believes that respect for a fallen body and preparation of
the soul within is the highest form of healing and nurturing the world as a