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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectKackrik's Role Chapter 3
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=243&mesg_id=250
250, Kackrik's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

The goal I seek
Added Wed Dec 17 02:19:11 2003 at level 51:

Many things have transpired in my life. Though the last time I actually
sat down and considered all the things happening to me was quite long ago, I feel its
needed now. The war, is going fine. I have killed countless mages, enemies, warriors, leaders
in my conquest for respect amongst my Kin. One day even, I fought representives from all
organizations across the land, and either killed them in combat or defeated them in humilation.
Thus was my name given to me across the lands - Undaunted. I feel it is quite a fitting name
and the added power it gives me is also enjoyed. I try to live up to my reputation when needed. Either
by running head first in to a losing battle, or by staying put when odds are completely against me
I feel I must live up to my name.

I competed in the rites to despair and loss. The first opponent who I faced, Thrakadan, merely
flurried his swords around my being three or four times to fell me. I was very displeased with this,
seeing as I should have been able to take him! Alas, I failed, and the person I did NOT want to
make Commander, did. I kind of snapped at that moment, thinking I would lose my hut and all that
whiched I worked for, and attempted to kill myself. As I cut the knife deep in my flesh, a resplendant
being came before me and comforted me. Though I do not need any comforting, anytime at all, it
was certainly interesting to see that someone could actually care for one who is not their race.
Sabiene has been a guiding light in my conquest, aiding me when others look down upon me, as
well as giving me chances when even the heavens wish me dead..
I had to cut half my beard off for Beroxxus. I was forced to make a hard decision, but I
believe its the only way I keep myself (and my soul) intact today. The beardless half of my
chin feels odd.. light.. useless. I believe its a sign of some sort, showing that perhaps I have
to throw out old ways of thinking, to allow me to do what I must do.

My ultimate goal stands before me now. Shining brillantly in the moonlight, standing
tall above all the Village, it is certainly something to be revered.. and respected. Something
that I believe, I would like to represent. I have found that ultimately, there are none of my Kin
on the Pillar of the Village, and this is why I seek my name on it. To show that my Kin ARE TO
be respected, just like the pillar. That my Kin have what it takes to war like no other race on Thera
wiether it be below or above the surface. To show that, I, Kackrik Scruffbeard, am Kin. And thus should
be, respected by all my brothers.