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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectIsendor's Role Chapter 9
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24006, Isendor's Role Chapter 9
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 9

The Chronicles of My History III
Added Sat Sep 13 16:17:18 2008 at level 6:

As I have mentioned before, the rules of courtship among my people are as complex as they are numerous.
Though forty years had passed since Lalleya was betrothed to the Prince, they were not yet wed. The time
did eventually come when preparations began for their wedding. This time was exceedingly difficult for me
and I often wandered about as in a daze. The Prince sent Lalleya as an emissary southward to our wood-elf
cousins who lived south of the mountains which border the southern end of the Vale of Arendyl. The purpose
of the trip was simple enough, to invite their elders to join the wedding celebration. Though it is unlikely
that many of them would have come, it remained an ancient custom to invite them attend matters of royal significance.

I only knew of Lalleya's mission and departure by overhearing discussions around the Palace. We had not spoken in
many years, for the pain was too great for the both of us. We were in love, yet our duty pulled us apart forever.
Even so, I felt as though I could sense when Lalleya left our city and my heart drew deeper into the well of despair.
The journey to the alcove of our forest brethren was not far and I expected her to be gone not more than two weeks.
These weeks turned into a month with no word from her or the small company which accompanied her. It was more than
I could bear, every explanation for her absence growing worse within the imaginings of my mind.

Two months had now passed and I could stand it no longer. I requested an audience with Prince Danellaran.

"Isendor, my friend. How good it is to see you. Why have called upon me?"

"Your betrothed my Lord, Lalleya, she has been gone far too long for the journey that she took and I have grown concerned."

"Ah yes, I nearly forgot you were such good friends in childhood." (He had not known of our love at this place in time)

"That is so, my Lord. Very good friends. I must demand that a search party be sent for her. Why have you not searched
for her yourself Danellaran? Any number of violent actions may have come upon her."

"Ease your tongue Isendor. She is likely extending her visit with our cousins, you know how fond she is of other cultures."

"That is impossible for you to know without receiving word from her my...Lord."

"Who are you to question my judgment? You forget your place Isendor. We will speak of this no further."

Spinning on my heels I removed myself from his chambers and from the palace without any of the customary formalities.
I knew something was wrong, and if he would not search for her I would so myself.