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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectOdrirg's Role Chapter 9
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=2369&mesg_id=2388
2388, Odrirg's Role Chapter 9
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 9

Added Wed Jan 7 20:42:04 2004 at level 1:

Odrirg has always been in awe of his Father. His father could do anything.
He was a warrior, a leader, a sculptor, a wood carver (built all of his own
furniture), and later in life a skilled diplomat.

All that Odrirg wanted to do, since before he could remember, was follow in
his Fathers footsteps ...to make him proud.

Unfortunately, his damned knees fucked that all up. And that will probably
act like a rabid scorpion in his craw for the rest of his life.

Even though he has since come to a way of looking at life that embraces all
of the obstacles that he has been given as Gifts that will help to prove,
both to himself and to the whole damned world, that he is worthy to at least
be the Son of his Father ...

Well, just because he enjoys his obstacles now as gifts to fuel his not
inconsiderable pride, that does not mean that all of the scars they left on
him in his youth are washed away.

In short, he is often an ornery, mean bastard.

Also, because of his unfortunate childhood, he also comes close to losing it
whenever he witnesses the injustice of an underdog being assaulted or being
made fun of, and he has somewhat taken it upon himself to set it right
whenever he witnesses such.

While his military training was years ago now, and it wasnt all that long,
he was raised by a very military father, and sometimes in times of stress
Odrirg has a tendency to lapse back into the Command voice that his Father
used whenever his Father needed to be obeyed ...by his son or his

About his accent. Odrirg tries very hard to speak in the way that is
common and proper in the outside of Thera, because he wishes to
largely avoid any disagreements or misunderstandings that might come from
a thick accent like that which he grew up with in the Dwarvenhome,
as he sees that kind of misunderstanding as a way that Chaos might
gain a foothold in the interactions of the people of Thera.

However when he gets angry, which is not uncommon, he often drops back
into the thick accent of his youth.