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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectOdrirg's Role Chapter 4
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=2369&mesg_id=2383
2383, Odrirg's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Growing unease, and changing perceptions of the Empire
Added Mon Jan 19 15:14:27 2004 at level 38:

He began by thinking that the Empire might indeed be for an Order of a kind,
but that the Order that they preached was a false Order, filled with
despotism and despair and darkness. But as he has grown and had more contact
with Empirials, his view has changed.

With the seeming strategic placement of Centurions designed to limit the
movement of Magistrates and free trade, and Empirials striking off-duty
Magistrates, and the Provost ordering him to (in his mind anyway) bend over
and take it up the ass from empirials by forbidding him to strike a centurion
under any circumstances, Odrirg's discontent with the Empire was growing

And finally to top it all off, an Empirial Shaman with the strength of his
Lord started a world wide plague. That was what has convinced Odrirg that
even though the empire preaches that they are for a kind of Order....even
that is just lies, lies, and more lies.The indiscriminant Plagueing of an
entire world has nothing to do with Order at all. It was an act of pure

Given that Odrirg forsees a time when the Empire puts more and more pressure
on the Spire now that the Grove was gone, Odrirg did not quite have the same
feeling of relief that many of his compatriots expressed. This is not to say
he did not count the final victory over the Grove as a great thing.

It was in this frame of mind that he was told by the High Priestess of the
Ki-rin of something stiring like a coming storm. Odrirg had suspected this,
but not in a conscious way that he was aware of until Servalia put it to
words. So Odrirg took this warning to the Provost, believing it was his duty
to let the Provost know so that preparations might be made.

Once again, Odrirg was shocked by the Provost's unwillingness to act. The
provost did not wish to put the Magistrates on guard, calling Servalia's
warning just a rumor and saying that she would not alert the Spire until more
was known about the Storm. Well, Odrirg believes that the time to prepare
for a storm is before it is at hand, so he once again strongly disagrees with
the choice of his Provost.