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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectRuhktanshi's Role Chapter 12
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=23027&mesg_id=23060
23060, Ruhktanshi's Role Chapter 12
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 12

Ruhktanshi's Journal
Added Fri Mar 14 13:29:00 2008 at level 1:

Illegal name, try another.
Name: ked the gnome as he glanced upon her.
She slowly raised her gaze and replied with an indifferent look and a quick
turn of her head. Taking another step forward, she stumbled and collapsed
to the group like an empty sack.

As the darkness withdrew and he eyes slowly opened she found herself in the
dwelling of the gnome. He slowly approached her as he saw her return to her

'Here, have this, it shall grant you some strength..' he said as he handed her a glass vial with a greenish liquid.

Her lips quivered and a strange hissing sound emerged, her eyes rolled and
revulsion almost immediately gripped her face.

'Away, Take it away. You bastard. Take it away before I slit your throat
with my figernails...' she whispered weakly.

The frightened gnome took a step back, dropping the vial as it fell to the
floor, shattered and spilt.

She stood up and slowly walked out of the room. The gnome frozen in place.
As she left, the gnome quickly sighted a small log-journal remaining where
she lay, he rushed to it and grabbed it and darted out of the room to catch
up to her. But as he emerged outside his dwelling and looked down the long
strech of road, she was nowhere to be seen...

Three days had passed, the gnome has since often had nightmares about the
woman, her pale demeanour and the bone and flesh harp at her waist. He had
awaited her to return, perhaps when she realized that she had left behind her
journal but there had been no word since... with restless curiosity he decided
to flip it open, perhaps in hopes of finding where he might go to return it.

Month of Deception, Month of the Grand Struggle.

*a script written in elven blood, with hard to read characters and symbols*

This magic has led to me face my horrors. I am weak beyond measure and I
tremble to lift this quill. The strength of the vials has diminshed and all
the Order of Magic has to offer to repair my loss was quaffing more of them.
My body was nothing more to them but a husk for experimentation. Not just
mine but that of my kin, my cousins, I should have known better than to
lay trust in the hands of these elves. Fight the dark we shall, they said but
I cannot even fight the fatigue that lulls me to sleep at this moment.

I refused to be any further a part of their ersatz Order that preaches magics
that only corrupt the soul and make you weaker by the passing day, weaker
only to quaff further to become stronger and then weaker again. It is only a
matter of time before I turn into the wenches I often wondered about that
were locked up in the groaning dungeons beneath the laboratories. The bastard
said I shall not survive without the vial, if my yearning for the touch of
that liquid is not quenched it shall consume my body by the month.
Little do they know, I shall prove them wrong. I shall grow, however difficult
my path and however thorn-laden my path to redemption, I shall find the
strength within and fight off this corruption, now that my spirit it clean
my body shall be cleansed, by myself and myself alone. Never again shall I
bear trust in my bosom, for my burdens are mine alone and my demons that I
spar with are not capable enough to kill me... only capable enough to leave
me stronger. I sha...

*the writing trails o