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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectRuhktanshi's Role Chapter 4
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=23027&mesg_id=23052
23052, Ruhktanshi's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Ruhktanshi's Journal: The Secret Within...
Added Thu Jun 19 05:37:37 2008 at level 51:

Darkness. Darkness subsided. Light. Whatever came through, gaundy and piercing, through the window of my eyelids.

"Uhhuhhmmmmm" I screamed, in siege of a rope tightly tide between my lips to the
back of my skull, back then I was only thankful that it didn't split my skull
into two, tied tightly as it was.

Unrest. Squirming. Violent Squirming. More muffled screams. Unrest. Surrender...
It took me a while to figure out that I was captured. The dingy storageroom was
full of crates, crates, more crates and a sack or two for contrast.

The lone window stood right in front of me, taunting and torturing me as
it threw its white rays of piercing light right between my eyes.

There was consolation: The wooden chair I was tied to was comfortable. But the
rope around my wrists felt like the clutch of an eagle's talon wrapped tightly
around its prey...a snake... I wiggled some more. It was futile.

Time fly by...like a Bird without wings... each extrutiating minute the length of an eternity and then it opened...

The door to my right, hissing and creaking with the shrill sound of metal that
could frighten my soul on any given night... this one was much worse.

The faint outline of a man stood at the doorway, slow...annoyingly slow to
move... prolonging the fright of anxiety. I drew my breath deeper at its sight.

But it didn't seem to get clearer, I blinked, assuming I was bleary eyed but
darkness seeped into my vision further and a sharp pain in my chest as it
floated closer...It stopped... not the being... my breath...

Darkness. Darkness subsided. light. Whatever came through... very little this time.

I felt the singe of flame as a boney finger of the ghast lifted my face
and it hissed... "Yoouu haave iit. Giive iit tooo usss."

Through my yielding eyes I saw it trace a rune in the air and a spray of water
splashed on my face, freshness...I licked whatever I could.

"What is it you seek? I'm just a poor traveller. I have nothing you need.."

Snarls of anger. "THEE BOOOK! THEEE JOOOOURNAAL! HAAAND IIIT TOOO USSS". Hissing, Only Louder.

"What journal? I have no such..." Interruption. Firewhip choking my throat. Realization.

They were seeking Ruhktanshi's journal... But Why?