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Topic subjectRuhktanshi's Role Chapter 3
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=23027&mesg_id=23051
23051, Ruhktanshi's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

The Last Entry in the Jounal
Added Wed Jul 16 02:46:10 2008 at level 51:

Dated: Day of the Sun, 20th of the Month of Spring.

Scout. Skjald. Berserker. Defender. What have I not been here where I have found
home. Friend, Sister and now Matron to these that come each day to the village
to train under our Banner of Purity and destroy the Beholder kind. That Night
in the woods was not so revealing of the future, it was but a dark clouding of
a reality that stood and stared me in the face, silently beckoned to its path
and gaudy as magic is, it screamed of the Glory in its propoganda in calculated
lies, that most men or women succumb to...

I've always believed that War and Death alone cannot banish magic from our lands.
Nothing can. Truely, magic is the Creation of the Gods, to destroy magic would
mean to nip its source, which we mortals are neither capable nor inclined to do.
But should that then me the Commander of the Village holds belief that this war
has no victory? That is not true. What is true, sweet as song, is that it is for
the Puritans to show the path to those ignorant: The Fence Sitters, who cannot
for the life of them discern the vile within the Mana. Fence Sitters who are too
easily lured by the glitter and gleam of Ephemeral Power. They CANNOT know
Strength or Courage or Purity or Honor, for they have never seen it to show it themselves.

The Village will rise to the Call of LEGEND. Their Lore is fresh in our air and
their blood-scent still exhumed by the soil upon which we stand. We shall be
be Icon and we shall be Bastions. Combatants and Fighters the world shall not
merely take note of but shall always compare, holding them to better standards
than the best currently are or have been.

When it will be known that Magic is not aid but hindrance, when it shall spread
that in the War between Puritan and Beholder the Puritan always wins (and even
if they do not, their Defeat is far more gratifying that Vicotry) then...
THEN shall come the dawning of an age where Magic is forsaken and frowned upon.
Then will magic be called the Tool of the Weak who have nought of Courage or
Strength within them... Then Shall come the Day when Magic ... which is the
craft of the Gods... shall merely remain the craft of the Gods, free from mortal