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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectEtielise's Role Chapter 5
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=22861&mesg_id=22883
22883, Etielise's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Every day you live a little more.
Added Mon Aug 4 01:26:14 2008 at level 51:

The Lady Captain has a name. It is Neltouda, and I was right, she is
a goddess! A Herald goddess, to be precise. Oh so many of my worries
have been put to rest now that she has set foot on ground! I am, thanks
to her most intriguing song, healed! The wounds I thought would never
cease reopening have faded, and the scars are so fine they are barely
even there. With two goddesses behind us, the Heralds will certainly
grow, more than I could hope for, I hope. Ha!

Mystery, of course, never ceases as my companion, even though we now
know who Lady Neltouda is. Has she, perhaps, been in cahoots with my
yet unseen Lady Mirage, the Monarch who has her eye on me? I asked
her, but no answer found its way to my ears. We all have something we
keep under wraps, I suppose. Even so, what I know of them both leads
me to believe I likely have more than one entity to thank for my state
of well being.

And just to spite our boisterous merrymaking, there had to be a nay-
sayer somewhere. The jokes were starting to get pretty filthy, and
sometime before the dragon Rimefang, which I will get to, I came to a
realization about Tubnic. He has quite a shell on him! To see him
sweat while he told jokes, one would think a pack of hellhounds were
chasing him. All the attitude has a root I can see now, and I'm going
to dig it out, because, in spite of his sweating, I could swear I saw
him having a good time.

Back to the naysayer... Tubnic said that sometime earlier, a corpse
had fallen from the sky in Galadon, covered in runes. The runes were
later deciphered to say, "Death will come from the skies...the heroes
of Thera must unite." There was a mist and a mist dragon and a real
dragon who was ancient and white and called Rimefang. Suffice to say
she was otherworldly and it did, as prophesied, take the heroes of
Thera united to defeat her. Well, mostly united. It was a mess.

But, perhaps the strangest portion of the ordeal was the voice we
heard, long before we ever fought the dragon Rimefang. The voice must
have been that of the Ill Omen, and he warned us not to place blame
for the coming fight upon him. Though, perhaps only hearing his
whispers is even more indicative than the healing of my wounds of what
it means now that Captain Neltouda has anchored her ship.