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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectTanith's Role Chapter 1
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=22404&mesg_id=22420
22420, Tanith's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

+ Maran and Jaguar
Added Sun Aug 24 21:19:04 2008 at level 30:

It has been an eventful two years for young Tanith. His hunts have brought
down roughly a dozen of the tainted, and he had several deep discussions
with the Lady Baerinka. She challenged him to seek out Llondolis and
Renkaide, and to question them on their beliefs. Tanith is, and was, a
simple guy and a bit closed minded. He thinks she gave him that task to
show him that there were other paths, equally righteous. His conversations
with those notables resulted in him gathering that, and stretching himself
some. Which, as a mental activity, was a bit tough for the guy.

Later on this year, Tanith struck hard at the tainted, and slew one as
well as regained the Fortress Orb. He was designated full Maran after
this. Later still, the Lady made more time for young Tanith, and ended up
granting him the mark of Her favor, and extracting a promise to continue
to grow and stretch himself, both physically and in faith.

Effects on his behavior:
Make an effort, per the Hall of Light as explained by Kernagor (Tanith
still can't read) to guide the Squires.

Continue to seek out and question those of slightly different faith.

Keep on hunting. Hah!