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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectErelia's Role Chapter 4
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=22244&mesg_id=22261
22261, Erelia's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Added Sun Aug 17 07:39:18 2008 at level 35:

Being terribly bored most of the time, Erelia enjoyed making fun.
Fun, as she saw it, mainly involved her interceding in other's events to make
things better for everybody. Better, as she saw it, was anything she liked.
What she liked, as she saw it, was something different. Different, though, to
the point of where other people wouldn't approve. She could have fun with
anyone, from Magistrate to frog(Which she new an enchanting story about-it
involved a princess kissing a toad, which turned into a Magistrate, and then
the princess kissing it more and more to try to turn it back to a frog, since
Magistrates are even slimier).

She recently found a great deal of fun at an Inn. This Inn, though,
was different than others. It was bigger, eternaller, and starer. Though she
seemed to enjoy the place greatly, some of those Heralds seemed to dislike
her(Making for greater fun.). Especially a chubby little Gnome named Tubby.
He was, as Erelia saw it, the most tubtacular horrible Gnome she ever met. He
read too many books, was too serious, didn't get jokes, and used words longer
a syllable. "But short!", Erelia thought, " What retort through yonder
Gnome breaks?" Knowing Tubnic disliked her about as much as he disliked
Ragers, she made sure to stay around him as much as she could. Knowing Tubby,
she learned something. It came in simple steps:

1. Tubnic didn't want fun.
2. If they don't want it, they won't make it.
3. Sometimes you know better than others.
45678. So you put the fun in there for them since they forget to!

These little lessons applied to everyone. Fortress forgot to be mean,
Empire forgot to donate to others, the Nexuns forgot to have a little bit of
a shift, and Ragers will never know the fun of the chest of inebriation.
Since these people get sucked up into their own little worlds, with their own
little purposes, and own little goals-YOU(Erelia, but you can help too.) have
to inject(no needles required, it's a suppository) some fun/drama/interest of
your own into their lives, even if they attempt to fight it off. Even if they
hate it, they really need it. So, make the fun-And remember kids, it's only
fun until someone gets hurt, because then it's hilarious.