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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectErelia's Role Chapter 2
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=22244&mesg_id=22259
22259, Erelia's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Wait, so who am I again?
Added Wed Sep 3 17:59:08 2008 at level 43:

"How many people do you get to be? Hmm? How many?"

Silence was the answer Erelia got from the children. She peered at them
around her as she sat in the orphanage north of Hamsah. The lot of them
smelled a bit funny, but she wouldn't mention that. They stared at her with
confused eyes, not knowing why this strange lady woke them all up, or why she
was carrying around a xylophone with someone else's name on it. Erelia
continued to stare the bunch down, peering dramatically at all of them, back
and forth.

"You each are sad little orphans. That's it! You aren't teachers, you aren't
sandwiches, and you definitely aren't alcohol, or I'd be all over you.". The
room remained silent aside from two younger boys giggling at perverted

"My point is this. You'll all always be orphans, no matter WHO looks at you!
Not in a sad way, of course, but you know what I mean, right?" No answer,
again. Erelia had never been here before, nor had she ever met an
orphan-Their language was a bit foreign to her, so she began to rant a bit,
smiling brightly and giggling between spaces.

"Well, let me tell you a bit about all the things I am. Firstly, when we look
at me-Try not to be blinded by the beauty-It's obvious I'm a bard. Though my
name's not OlgakarI do keep his little xylophone blaring at my side. Now we
can get to the more complex Erelias! Now remember, I didn't make these
Erelias up, these are simply what other people told me, or showed me. Now,
the Battleragers attack me for being a Nexun and the Magistrates hunt me for
being an Outlander, this is while the Scion kills me for being of the Refuge
and the Refuge chases me for being part-Magistrate and the Nexuns attack me
for me being mad at them burning my village down-This goes with the Empire
attacking me for being a child of the Light while the Fortress preaches to me
with blades showing me that my dark way is incorrect." Erelia pauses,
panting, obviously out of breath from saying the entire speech without taking
one. The children stared at her wide-eyed, unsure what to think.

"The lesson we learned today, my little class, is that you can each be
WHOMEVER you want to be, as long as people tell you that's what you are".
Erelia beamed a smile at her conclusion. As the smile parted her lips, Erelia
The Many started to run out, noticing the Orphanage Prelate with Bladesrunner
entering the sleeping room, obviously hearing the disturbance. Erelia bolted
past both of them, grabbing a coin purse on her way through, grinning. "It's
much easier being many Erelia instead of one.Much less constricting", she
thought. Still, maybe she should find a cause-It might make things more fun.

While contemplating her thoughts over a bunch of ale, she imagined the
profound effect she had on the orphans. (The scene shifts back to the
orphanage, Bladesrunner standing in the room with the orphans, lecturing
them). "That, my young ones, was a hobo. They are rampant in Thera and their
chaos brings their wealth and moral structure downwards. If you could not
tell, she was most likely drunk and lost. Still, do not let her disturb you,
we will keep much better watch on the orphanage for that little
interruption." The orphans stared up at him with respect, but still
confusion. Some lady coming in drunk talking about all