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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectLerzion's Role Chapter 4
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=22198&mesg_id=22221
22221, Lerzion's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Journal 1 - Love Lost, Love Found (part 2)
Added Wed Jul 9 13:32:24 2008 at level 22:

The scene in her home was something out of an Eshval followers dream dcor.
Pentagrams adorned four walls and the scent of blood was strong. The sickly
sweet stench of it was almost enough to toss back up the tuna sandwich I had
for lunch. Suria began crying again when she saw the blood, but I assured
her it was not her fathers. It was definitely too dark to be fela blood, but
why would they have brought someone elses? I looked down to find there were
tracks in the ground, some of them paw prints, but not those of any fela. I
left Suria at the local inn and followed the tracks from her home. They lead
into the desert near the temple in the sands. I followed the nearly to the
rocky hills of the Tahril mountains, but they went where I had been hoping
they would not. As I approached the chasm I could hear screaming from
within, there was still hope! I quickly impaled the shadowy nightwalker on
my spear. The foul beast from the nether worlds did not take long to die. As
I made my way to the bowels of the chasm there came loud chanting. I turned
the corner just in time to watch the dagger extract the heart of Surias
father. The screaming was at an end, but my blood was fire. Brandishing my
spear I laid waste to the foul mages who had killed Surias father. I knew
this wouldnt do much to help this situation, but mages deserve only one fate
and the dance of fire enveloped them.

I left the gruesome scene, not bothering to bury the dead as they did not
deserve such respect, and headed back to where I had left Suria. I related
to her the story and she collapsed into my arms, fainting dead away. I
lifted her up and cradled her in my arms as I walked her to the rooms bed.
I gently laid her down and tucked the blanket in around her. I then took up
a position in the chair nearby watching out into the night, and seeing the
moonlight radiate off her golden hair. She was beautiful, and I was in love.
An odd thing at such a tragic time. After awhile I dozed off and awoke to
find those beautiful ruby eyes staring at me from the bed. The sadness from
those eyes had left, and a smoky look entered them. Suria motioned me to the
bed, and I was no longer thinking about stickball. It was one of the worst
and best days of my life.