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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectErendinia's Role Chapter 3
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=20948&mesg_id=20967
20967, Erendinia's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Growing and real adulthood as the war rages
Added Sat Jun 14 13:36:57 2008 at level 46:

Yesterday we discussed how Erendinia joined the Fortress of Light. Who remembers
where we left off? "I do! We talked about how she was conflicted about being
in a group with others and beginning to maybe have conflicts with responsibility."
That's right. Now let me tell you children, she had a very hard time. For many
years she fought, a squire of the Fortress, and she had good days and bad, as we
all do. But throughout it all, she began to see that while she took the first step
and joined the Fortress, she hadn't really committed her whole soul to it. Not that
she wasn't fully committed to the war, or the Fortress, really, but to the sense of
responsibility for eachother, and that each must be ready to care for the other, as
they will care for her. In her heart she feared this greatly, because of what
happened to her brothers. But at the same time she also had a part that yearned
for it, as the pain grew older, and the life continued in these wider lands of thera.
And so, as time went on, she changed some. She remained the sweet woman she had been,
but she also found herself more willing to make decisions that might affect others,
and also allow them to make decisions for her when necessary, because they trusted
her, and she trusted them. This helped her gain confidence both when she was with
others of the fortress, as well as alone, and her war became stronger. Eventually,
she woke one day and it was one of the most important of her life. That day, after
a particularly long running battle that ended in her finally bleeding some of the
impurities out of a black knight, the Jaguar Goddess Baerinika elevated Erendinia to
a full Maran. A full warrior of the Light. One who must take care to watch over the
squires, and to set an example by her very existence, to all in thera. It was a great
honor, and somewhat daunting, but she accepted it, and grew into a new wisdom.
She serves the Light, through the Jaguar Goddess, but she is not in a hardened shell
any longer, she is fully part of her new family, and with that comes a strength of
spirit that can't be matched. All of the dark, beware! Now, time for lunch children.