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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectLekerjey's Role Chapter 2
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=2051&mesg_id=2062
2062, Lekerjey's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Heroine Years & New Acolyte
Added Wed May 19 12:06:17 2004 at level 51:

Lekerjey is now a grown woman, matured, yet still young in her features and
childlike in her faith in the Light, believing and serving it with all that she
has and can. She spent many years as a heroine roaming the lands frequently,
enhancing any not of the shadows. She realised that the spells she has learnt
in her Guild has proved more useful than she could ever imagine. That the spells
were like little presents from the Light to the peoples of Thera, drawing them
to the sharing nature of the Light. Spells proved to be her words for her, since
she doesn't talk much.

She also longs to see her brothers more than ever these recent years, yet, she
remembers her duty, and chooses to remain to defend and preserve the Light in
the known part of Thera. She prays for them sometimes, asking the Light to guide
and protect them. She worries for them, not knowing if they are hurt or any of
them had fallen in a fight. Yet, she knows that they will be in the azure-fields,
a place that is rid of suffering and death, and that comforts her greatly.

Many battles have taken place in her time as a scribe, and she realises how serious
this war is. That it is not as easy as she thought it would be, that people would
want to follow the Light merely by her telling them. She has come to realise that
what truly matters are her actions and the intents of her heart, that it is these
that would draw people to the Light, and not words alone. She has also come to
realise that everyone had choice, and that the Light could not be forced down their
throats, for to do so was the wrong way to bring them to the Light. She does try
as hard as she can to bring the lost and fallen back to goodness.

She was recently raised to Acolyte status too by the Maran Lord Vynmylak. He brought
her to the azure-fields, and that was a huge eye-opener for her. She had no idea
how beautiful and peaceful the azure-fields were, and how much she actually longed
for this to become real in the world. Just a short trip to the azure-fields has
given Lekerjey strength and joy to strive on and serve the Light, for she wanted all
to come to know of this beautiful place.

She was extremely happy when she was raised to an Acolyte, and Lord Vynmylak said to
her, Tis time ya give thought t' how t' continue ya works....'. She will spend much
time thinking of how to continue her works, yet she knows that by having right actions
and heart, these will affect and naturally guide her to the works she will do. She
will continue to research on the dark Lord Valguarnera and his tainted religion. She
wishes to learn as much as she can of the religions that bring forth wars between good
and evil. She find that if the Lightwalkers of the Fortress know the mind and hearts
of the followers of the dark religions, they can better bring these fallen races back
to the Light. For only when heart speaks with heart, that true communication and
understanding takes place.