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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectLekerjey's Role Chapter 1
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=2051&mesg_id=2061
2061, Lekerjey's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Added Sat Jun 5 04:27:26 2004 at level 51:

Lekerjey squinted her eyes and winced in agony. A sharp pain throbbed through
her entire skull and her muscles ached in all sourness. Grinding her teeth, she
got to her feet slowly in sheer determination. Sweat clung to her skin miserably
and she felt sick. Taking a look at her surroundings with a frown creased on her
forehead, she tried to recall what had happened.
It was a marketplace. Where? Squinting and examining everything closely,
realisation dawned on her. Suddenly the events that had happened before she had
passed out surged through her mind, increasing the pain of the throb manifold.
She gritted her teeth and tried not to whine.

She had fought an Imperial right here. He had probably managed to knock her out
cold, and dumped her at an alley. She was relieved to find that she still had
some supplies with her. Lately, she has been battling a lot. More than an Acolyte
should actually. But she chose to be an Acolyte and a transmuter because she
believed that by strengthening the current strength, the war could be better
fought than if she lent her single might as a soldier. And she has been doing just

Apart from that, which was duty to her, she longed to be in the Battle herself,
and fight against the shadows which gripped the hearts of many, just like her
brothers had and did. However, her first priority was to protect, enhance and
preserve the current strength. Then, when this was done, she would readily jump
into the Battle herself. For the current strength was now stronger, and will be
slightly stronger if she now lent herself to the Battle. Thus, she continues to
fight the war right beside her brothers and sisters in the Light. She was born for
the Battle, and for the Battle she will fight in every area and with all her might.

Lekerjey rummaged through her bag and managed, to her relief, to find some herbs
that would help ease the pain. Chewing on the bitter bark, she sat on the ground
to rest for a moment. 'What of peace?' The thought pierced her mind. It was as if
someone was questioning her. 'How can battling show or promote peace?' She chuckled
and, whispering, she said, "I fight to save these souls from retribution. Yet, I
know that fighting is not the only way that others will come to the Light.
Therefore, words, encouragement, gifts for the soul, these will I use to draw them
back to goodness, together with my bow and arrows and my fists. As long as there are
shadows, there is no true peace." She blinked and muttered. Lately, she has been
talking to herself too much. Some might think her slowly going insane.

Her head and body was much better now. Repairing the rest of her bones, organs and
muscles, she once again, felt glad she was a transmuter. Fresh and ready, she walked
towards the filthy Palace again, wanting to save the souls that had trapped them-
selves within its wall of lies. Perhaps they would listen, perhaps they wanted to
fight yet again, but surely, the Light will penetrate through their hardened hearts.
And that gave her hope.