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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectDrahmim's Role Chapter 5
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=18039&mesg_id=18058
18058, Drahmim's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Backstory - Childhood
Added Sat Sep 8 08:22:22 2007 at level 2:


Drahmim's childhood years were similar to most dwarf of Akan, clinging to
his mother's beard in as an infant, playing "soldier" as a toddler, wielding
a small toy warhammer, then taking up mining and smithing as he grew
older. Unlike most of his clan, however, Drahmim enjoyed the mining aspect
of his chores far more than his tasks as an apprentice forgesmith. He enjoyed
the pure, primal power of swinging his hefty pick-axe and hammers deep into
the stone of the dark, dusty mines. He especially enjoyed watching his
physique grow stronger, and more chiseled itself. Eventually, though, his
great and powerful arms were called into war, as the age-old battles between
Mortorn and the orc horde spilled over into Akan.

Drahmim relished his role as a soldier. He was a fierce, courageous fighter,
He showed little remorse as he dispatched duergar and orc with a ferocity
and joy that none of his comrades could match. The time-enduring tales of
a bloody Dwarven rage, were certainly displayed in his tactics and fighting
