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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectSiloreelo's Role Chapter 4
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=16340&mesg_id=16359
16359, Siloreelo's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Added Tue Jun 26 08:59:32 2007 at level 51:

Order is a way of methodical and harmonious lifestyle in which there is a
conformity and obedience to law and established authority. With the absence
of disturbance, riot, revolt and unruliness.

Order is a condition in which there is freedom from disorder and disruption
which is maintained through established authority.

Order also represents the followers of the Indigo Triangle, who pursues
similar religion, moral and disciple.

Order is the mirror image of Chaos. The image of chaos shows great destruction
whereby the image of order shows peacefulness.

Order may be both a forced state, whereby rigid patterns are forced upon
the natural chaos of things - such as laws upon the people, or it may be a
naturally occuring thing to self-regulate. There is a certain order to nature
and life. We are born, we grow, we die, unless something disrupts this order.

While those who uphold the Law may claim to be striving to support Order,
they are infact supporting an artificial framework order created by the Gods,
whereas Order itself is not bound to the Law. I, as a bringer of Law, know
that it is not the natural state.

I directly or indirectly, protecting the populace at large. I don't have to
be a blind believer that "Law is the natural state", because that would be
foolish and shows that I am but a naive stupid grunt.

But I chose to walk the path I am walking this day, to better the lives of
the people around me. To increase security and prosperity.