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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectCelebrimbor's Role Chapter 12
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=1432&mesg_id=1455
1455, Celebrimbor's Role Chapter 12
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 12

The youth, the elves, and the lesser races.
Added Mon Mar 15 06:42:05 2004 at level 4:

Born into the highest caste of the "true" elves of Darsylon, Celebrimbor was
given every advantage in his youth. The finest elven tutors to teach him the
knowledge and lore of the elves. The swiftest and strongest elvish
weaponsmasters, to teach him the finer points of elvish combat. The most
powerful of evlish healers, to school him in the ways of the mending of elf
bodies. He is the product of breeding between the eldest and purest of the
elfkin blood, and there lies his (and his peoples) schism.

Truly the goodness of the elves can never be called into question. They are
the goodliest beings to be found in Thera. But in the finer houses of the
fair folk, their view of outsiders is a dim one indeed. All the ills of the
world are the cause of the lesser races of men and dwarf, giant and others.
Evil is a plague visted on Thera by the seed planted in the hearts of the
lesser races. Hate is beneath one such as he, but his mission in life is to
school the lesser beings in their faults. To try and bring the wisdom of his
folk to the poor benighted races of Thera, and to try and bring an end to the
evil in their hearts.

To this end, Celebrimbor has set out on his own. The holiest of men among
infidels, there to bring the goodness and knowledge of his people to the
lesser beings of the world.

Whether they want it, or not.