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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectCelebrimbor's Role Chapter 11
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=1432&mesg_id=1454
1454, Celebrimbor's Role Chapter 11
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 11

Journal entry 1
Added Mon Mar 15 07:19:48 2004 at level 5:

Journal entry the first.

Well, I've been out of my beloved homelands a short time only, and already do
I long for the tall aspens of home. My new "home" is a city called Galadon
(In the common tongue, which still causes much pain to my delicate ears) and
so far as I can tell, is populated entirely with the dregs of so-called
humanity. Necromancers and anti-paladins alike walk the streets with
impunity. Dark clerics are not only not burned for their heresy, but actually
have an entire temple dedicated to their disgusting perversion of religion. I
find myself deeper and deeper in confusion and despair, finding solace only
in the gods of my ancestors and the righteousness of my mission.

My mission! Why I ever chose to force this daunting task upon myself, I will
never understand. I feel it must be the guiding hand of my ancestors, driving
me forward to see Their will be done on Thera. I only pray that the spark of
goodness in these human-ridden lands is stronger than I have so far found it
to be. Why, the first other "paladin" I have set eyes upon is a proud traitor
to the guild and the light! Why his filth is tolerated escapes me. What ever
happened to burning the evil ones at the stake, to prevent the spread of
their vileness?

I fear this task will be one that will cause me great amounts of grief. May
the spirits of my ancestors give me solace and guidance.