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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectZar's Role Chapter 2
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=14212&mesg_id=14225
14225, Zar's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

The Fortress of Light
Added Tue Mar 13 20:57:11 2007 at level 16:

Since leaving Loch Terradian, Zar has taken up residence in Voralian City. At
first he was quite impressed with what he saw, a clean, safe city, with great
charity pits and no one homeless. It was what Zar found outside the city that
horrified him. Zar had heard stories of how far evil had spread, but had
never quite believed it. Now he saw it first hand. Everywhere he looked he
could see death, pain and crime. The once magnificent Galadon of his dreams,
that he'd yearned all his life to see, had turned out to be a seething pit of
crime and suffering. The Empire had spread everywhere, Zar could hardly walk
down the road without being confronted by Centurions.
Not all hope was lost however, Zar sought out the Fortress his father had
told him about. Despite the horror that it faced, it still shone brightly,
bringing hope to those who had none. Looking upon the determined faces that
manned the walls, Zar was filled with a feeling of admiration, he knew what
he wanted to do in life, he knew where he wanted to be. So without further
ado, Zar penned his application to the Fortress of the Light.

Another thing had been bothering Zar, he had been hearing many rumours that
his Lord Shokai was in a deep slumber. He would have to meditate on this for
a while, and find out for himself.