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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectTiatan's Role Chapter 1
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=12678&mesg_id=12689
12689, Tiatan's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Zaphoedine and Balim
Added Sat Dec 30 22:01:58 2006 at level 51:

Well, Zaphie's story has finally come to a close, at least how it applies to
my life. It's an odd ending, and I'm not sure how happy it is.It involves
a Bard, an Armadillo, and a couple of W'raithes.

Camilla, Zaphie's W'raithe, had apparently done much harm to Zaphie, which is
why she's been acting so strange. Well, that all came to a head when Balim,
a Nexan Bard who apparently also has a W'raithe, came in and started
communicating with the two of them. Apparently, he spoke some arcane
language that had a lot of effect on Camilla, causing her to go crazy, in
turn effecting Zaphie. It all came to a head when, without realizing it, he
spoke the language, causing Camilla to take control.

Next thing I know, Camilla's threatening me, and Balim's telling me he has to
undo what he did. Well, obviously, I agreed, because I couldn't stand to see
her harmed. So, with Tsyda there as an armadillo, he began speaking the odd
language. I soon found myself able to understand it, and his W'raithe and
Camilla began a battle.

After a bit of success, the four of us moved to the plains. There, Camilla
caused Zaphie to strike at Balim a few times, so it was lucky Tsyda was
there, as her armadillo was very helpful. It seemed hopeless for a time, but
I finally spoke, asking Zaphie to come back to me, which allowed Balim a
final strike, which weakened Camilla.

In that instant, Balim drew Camilla into him, a change that was permanent,
and one I did not like, for it bound their souls. I was, however, able to
convince him into letting me share the burden and binding my soul, as well,
and Tsyda decided to get in on it, too.So, the four of us our bound
together, united in our love for Zaphie.

Of course, with all good, there comes a bad, and this is where it is. I knew
of Balim's feelings for Zaphie, and I knew Zaphie was vulnerable, but I
couldn't stand the thought of it. Zaphie promised me she would never have
another lover, and I promised her that we would be together in the afterlife,
her, Tsyda, and I. I couldn't stand the thought of it, and in this instant,
I failed Lord Corrlaan.I was selfish.

I told Zaphie how I felt, once more. I reminded her of her promise. I
thought of myself. I did not think of others. She told me she'd keep it,
but in doing so, she hurt Balim, and possibly herself. I don't know what to
do, though. I can't let go of her. I just can't. Tsyda knows this. She's
fine with it. She knows of our promises, so it's not all bad, but still, I
failed Lord Corrlaan, and I don't know if I can correct it.