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Topic subjectKrynna's Role Chapter 3
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12553, Krynna's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Of cities, hives and weaklings I
Added Mon Oct 16 08:36:45 2006 at level 51:

You tell Jaconi 'Too bad a bit too late awaken wasss to sssafe Huntrrresss'
Jaconi tells you 'A bit too late, but still in time.'
You tell Jaconi 'Ssstill Krysss mussst sssay strrrong ssspirrrit giant hassss.
Sssuch a pity to wasste it in sssuch unwisse way isss, yess'
Jaconi tells you 'Well thank you for your compliment, but i feel that reaking
havoc and destroying is a waste of your obvious talents.'
Jaconi tells you 'I seek to build up, you seek to tear down.'
You tell Jaconi '*snort* Only in dessstrrruction comesss creation isss'
You tell Jaconi 'One brrreedss another isss, yesss'
You tell Jaconi 'If no desstrrruction isss, thingsss wither and die isss'
You tell Jaconi 'If no prrrrogresss issss, then life a wasste isss, yesss'
Jaconi tells you 'Progress??!?!'
You tell Jaconi 'Ayesss, the rissse of the Drrream isss'
You tell Jaconi 'That what Krysss huntsss for isss, yesss'
You tell Jaconi 'And only by dessstrrroying thingss that no here belongsss, it
will come, yesss'
Jaconi tells you 'Progress is what built or cities, our society, what progress is
tearing it all down again.'
You tell Jaconi 'How can ssssomething that sssso unnaturral isss be
You tell Jaconi 'How can forrrget of rrrotsss and earrrth that brrreedsss usss
You tell Jaconi 'How can desstrrroy what no to you belongssss'
You tell Jaconi 'How can ssstate anything belongsss to anyone'
You tell Jaconi 'Thinkssss of that, giant'
Jaconi tells you 'The cities that we have built are everyones, a place of
learning and enlightenment, commerce and lawfulness. where people can be
You tell Jaconi 'Sssafe? Citiesss makesss weaklingsss live isss'
You tell Jaconi 'And weaklingsss brrreed only weaklingsss'
You tell Jaconi 'Prrrotected by wallsss and guarrddss'
You tell Jaconi 'Sssooner orrr laterr iss, they die isss'
Jaconi tells you 'And you and yours are protected by the forest.'
You tell Jaconi 'Krysss jussst makesss sssure it happensss fasster iss, that all
Jaconi tells you 'Hiding so that no one can see you.'
You tell Jaconi 'That the way of hunterrr isss'
You tell Jaconi 'But hunterrr will no hide frrrom smarrt prrrey isss'
You tell Jaconi 'And weak will perrrish, yessss'
You tell Jaconi 'And strrrong and smarrt will surrrvive, best cubsss isss'
You tell Jaconi 'Thusss enssuring waysss of prrrogresss, yesss'
You tell Jaconi 'And rissse of the Drream'
Jaconi tells you 'Your dream will not come to fruition.'
You tell Jaconi 'That what giant thinksss *grin*'
Jaconi tells you 'That is what Giant knows, for at least as long this Giant is