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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[OUTLANDER] Krynna Krysss the Unbound One, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=12538&mesg_id=12538
12538, [OUTLANDER] Krynna Krysss the Unbound One, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Krynna Krysss the Unbound One, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris


This old fela is observing you from the shadows of the nearby tree with
caution. The expression of irony and grim humor is playing on her face as
her cold gaze tears deeply into your very soul. These emerald-green eyes are
the only thing on her face that time has no power over. You can literally
sense the burden of wisdom that hides behind this gaze, and for some reason
you think that there is nothing in this world that could possibly surprise th
old hag.

Her fur is snow-white in color, reminding you of the high mountain peaks or
virgin frozen plains. Her tail is moving in slow and lazy motion which is
almost hypnotizing. Her ears are still reacting on every sound, but it feels
even a sudden explosion would hardly make her agitated.

She is wearing no armor, and her only 'clothing' is the tattoo of Gaping
Maw. The only 'weapon' you can see are her claws and teeth. It is obviously
hard for her to stand vertically, and so she is using all her four paws at th
same time. Like a wild animal, indeed.

In general, it seems like the ancient hag is as harmless as a summer breeze.
But as you meet her gaze again, you decide that this thought is probably
worth reconsidering. Her body might be mangled and broken by years, but
her spirit is still alive and strong as the stones Underdark is made of. And
you can only pity those who will make a mistake of underestimating her as a


Practices0Trains0HometownHoly Grove
Exp577200To Level21450SphereChaos
Age old, 96 years old (709 hours)
Hit Points843Mana574Movement859
Carry #0/35Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  