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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectAyik's Role Chapter 18
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=1199&mesg_id=1208
1208, Ayik's Role Chapter 18
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 18

Ayik's clouded past, pt III
Added Sun May 9 21:29:14 2004 at level 51:

Chapter 2, The Shadow Stalker.

The night seemed to last longer as the gossip and rumour of the "Shadow Stalker"
rang across the city. Women were to be inside at sun down. Children were to only be allowed out
within the sight of their parents or a supervisor. Curfew was enforced brutally. Any who disputed
the curfew was thrown in to jail for the night, showing all who took this threat lightly otherwise. Though
the "Shadow Stalker" (as the populace named him/her) never struck the general populace, the fear that
it created was well known. Businesses had new hours. Security officers were doubled on the streets
and soldiers patrolled the streets in the evening. The moon seemed to darken, the days short and the
nights lengthen when the Shadow Stalker was loose. Many copycats followed, some even braving the
daylight in the hopes of increased fame (many of them being followers of the arial god of chaos,
Pico, they always attempted to bring attention to their cause). Though the Shadow Stalker rarely struck,
when he did, the city froze still. Trade dropped. Entire guilds were outcasted and destroyed at a mere
accusation that they collaberated with the Stalker. The mayor was voted out as his lack
(or the populace's general opinon, lack of) attention to the Stalker. Some even attempted to put
the entire blame on him for the murders. All in all, the god of Chaos must have laughed, as chaos
reigned the city when the Stalker struck.

One evening in the labratory, the mage attempted to awaken Ayik from his sleep. As he did
so, he cast yet another spell of persuasion around the young arial's mind. This spell was to
get him to attempt to finally finish something that should have been done some time ago. To kill the
head of the house, to allow the mage control of the guild and the eventual domination of the city. As
Ayik awoke, the mage began to whisper to himself about the gathering that he was to attend to. Misunderstanding
the comments as instructions, Ayik set out. He was to find the man wearing the purple robe with gold trims.
He was to kill this man without leaving any evidence behind. Ayik silently leaped out the window
as the mage turned around. The mage, not knowing Ayik awoke to misunderstand the instructions, simply
chuckled to himself in delight. He certainly was proud of his new killer. His Shadow Stalker.
Ayik returned to the guild mansion with the equipment he needed. The butlers did not even notice
him as he silently stalked past the halls and entered the ballroom, immediately noticing no shadows
to hide in. Rather then leap out, he attempted to asses the situation and ponder how he would finish
it. Noticing a sack of potatoes on his left, he simply put it on and walked in to the ballroom. At first,
many regarded him with interest and disdain at his costume. However, as he blankly stared back at them
they began to believe his costume was a joke. The general onlookers would then laugh and continue speaking
to each other. As Ayik was peering about himself, he found the man in the purple robe standing beside
the food table. Instantly, Ayik's attention was focused. He could smell every smell on the person. He could
see the waves of energy emitting from his body and even begin to see the slow motion of his actions, as
if Ayik was able to predict what his