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Topic subjectGiant Helpfiles
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=3&topic_id=78
78, Giant Helpfiles
Posted by Noldruk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Nine new helpfiles have been added, explaining in a bit more detail the traits, history, and speech patterns of the giant races of the realm. Help on 'STORM GIANTS', 'STORM GIANT BACKGROUND', 'STORM GIANT SPEECH', 'FIRE GIANTS', 'FIRE GIANT BACKGROUND', 'FIRE GIANT SPEECH', 'CLOUD GIANTS', 'CLOUD GIANT SPEECH', 'CLOUD GIANT BACKGROUND' are all available to give the players a better idea of where they come from, why they are the way they are, and how the average one might act. These are not to restrict roleplay, but more to allow for a better understanding to enhance roleplay.

79, Hutto likes!
Posted by Hutto on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would like to thank you all for these helpfiles. They are basically how I pictured them, but it is nice to have ideas to further build on and develop.

I do have one request though. Would it be possible to put in some common names for each race somewhere? Maybe in the help giant speech, or help giant background, or somewhere? Maybe five or so names to give the players an idea? Could use players with names you all thought matched the race, or some names from a few well-named mobs. Or even a sentence or two explaining how they sound would be great too if it isn't too much work.

I know I frequently roll up a throw-away character to wander around areas (like Blackclaw) to just get an feel for the race and some ideas for how they are named before I roll up my main char. Putting these in the helpfile would be great, especially for the harder places to go or races without hometowns.

Thanks for reading, and keep up the good work. Keep that background info coming! Thanks again for what you've done so far!

Hutto, with some sleepy nitpicking