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Topic subjectSmall tweak to Bash/Trip:
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=3&topic_id=464
464, Small tweak to Bash/Trip:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
These two skills have been made slightly less likely to succeed if the user is below 25th level. (At level 25+, they work exactly as before.)

The intent is to diversify low-level combat slightly- several classes have difficulty competing with the more physically-oriented classes in that level range, since physically-oriented classes tend to gain power earlier on. This is a small nudge, but we'll be keeping an eye to see how things pan out.

There are a couple other skills on the 'watch list' for this (Ambush is one I probably should have gotten already), but we're starting slow and seeing how things transpire.

This applies equally to PCs and NPCs, so you'll probably get tripped or bashed a bit less while ranking through the lower levels. It will also make the affected skills slightly easier to practice as a side effect.

477, A suggestion...
Posted by fazeaway on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe set it up so if you are involved in a pk fight the following happens.

If one of the people involved in the fight is level 25+ then both people get the benefit of 25+ bash/trip. It just seems a bit biased, when you consider who benefits from bash the most (giants) have primarily 25+ opponents in their ranges. It would be only fair to make it so if the opponents can bash/trip fully, so should the under-ranked. Otherwise, not only does the opponent have a possible 9-rank advantage, but the under-25 player is horribly hindered in comparison.

Just a thought
478, RE: A suggestion...
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Giants are hardly in need of extra assistance in the lower ranks. This is part of why they have a large XP penalty in the first place.

465, Arent you concerned..
Posted by Lochzan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
..that this will make lobie invokers a bit too good? They could already hold their own if not dominate certain situations around lvl 15-20. Bash was the only reliable way of dealing with them, since they will usually be flying. Just rambling off my concerns, thanks for lookin' out for the little guy.
467, No.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rarely, you'll see a mage played by an experienced player that is aggressive in the teen ranks. They can use a series of preps, carefully choose battles, gear nearly exclusively to bolster their fragile hp total, and win most, but not all of their battles.

Put a warrior, assassin, AP, or the like in the hands of a player of the same skill, and they're piling up more bodies without taking half the precautions.
