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Topic subjectSanta Zulg visits the Thieve's Guilds of Thera
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=3&topic_id=1664
1664, Santa Zulg visits the Thieve's Guilds of Thera
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since nothing has really struck my fancy of what has been posted to Santa Zulg so far, I've pulled some stuff off of my list to implement.

Today I finally finished up some infrastrucutre I'd started to put in place for Emperor voting earlier this year. I've expanded it further to include all 5 thief guildmaster positions. The thieves guild positions now all work without any Immortal intervention. Merry Christmas.

help kingpin
The Vote
Any Elite members of a guild may call a vote to establish new leadership in
either the absence of a Kingpin, or 30 days from the previous vote. Once the
vote is called, a voting period of one week is automatically set. Voting is
restricted to any of the Elite members of the guild the moment the vote is
called for. Ties are settled by donations.

help vote
vote list
vote <playername>
vote <kingpin|godfather|spymaster|banditking|enforcer>

There are times when a vote may be called, like for the throne of the Emperor
of Thera, or one of the guildmasters of the Thieves guilds. If you find
yourself to be lucky enough to be involved in the process of selection, you may
cast your vote using this command within the timeframe provided.
1666, Newbie Proofing
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can there be some kind of in-game notification given to those eligible to use this command, when they are "called upon" to use it?
1667, RE: Newbie Proofing
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Can there be some kind of in-game notification given to those
>eligible to use this command, when they are "called upon" to
>use it?

You mean like the note that is generated and sent to every person who is eligible to vote, with the list of candidates and when they must place their vote by?

Give me a little credit.
1668, Hot -nt-
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1665, RE: Santa Zulg visits the Thieve's Guilds of Thera
Posted by Qaledus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Maybe I'll see you guys after April 15th. :)

Qaledus the Midnight Filer, Patron of Deductions

ps: I miss you guys (not just the thieves, either)