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Topic subjectSilent Tower Miscellanea
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=3&topic_id=1109
1109, Silent Tower Miscellanea
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just a PSA that I've been of creative mood lately to do more than maintenance tinkering with Ye Olde Quiet Tower Of Full Looting (tm).

As of the next reboot or so, a handful of things got easier or more forgiving, a few things got meaner, and extra descriptions and some new and, in my opinion, very cool items are around for the taking. Probably, this will continue to some degree for a while.

Also, a semi-rethinking of my attitude/policy. It's a living area, and things you know and have come to rely upon will always be changing. There's no getting around that and I wouldn't want to get around that. That being said, in the future when people are being ####heads and posting puzzle solutions and the like, I'm going to try to punish those people a whole lot more and everyone else a whole lot less, the latter in the form of not changing stuff for that reason if I can help it.
1122, RE: Silent Tower Miscellanea
Posted by Mort on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What of us who have managed to piss the entire tower off so that everything attacks on sight, should I just wait for my next character, or could I actually get something done again? :P
1128, RE: Silent Tower Miscellanea
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>What of us who have managed to piss the entire tower off so
>that everything attacks on sight, should I just wait for my
>next character, or could I actually get something done again?

It depends on what you want to accomplish.

If you seek a peaceful way, forgiveness is not wholly out of the question and need be sought from the logical source.

On the other hand, if war on the Tower is what you seek (either for principle or because, damn it, those archmages have pimp gear), then, yeah, sooner or later you're looking at fighting a war and should be ready to mow through some stuff to get around. At least there are no Styx Devils in there.
1129, Do they have pimp gear? nt
Posted by Larcat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1131, They do, too.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not half as pimp as I often hear it is, though. People with so much creativity should write their own areas instead of reimagining mine. :)
1116, RE: Silent Tower Miscellanea
Posted by Graatch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of the few things that make me wish I weren't such a big battle player is the seeming inability to go to or explore the silent tower. I have been here since its inception obviously, and I have never, not once, with any character, stepped foot into this place. Everyone and their mother talks about how terrific it is, and I have never, ever been. It upsets me.

And you know I've played plenty of non-battle during this period - communers, a few melee classes, the rare mage (since Diarmuid) - but somehow those non-battle chars never get invited to join anyone to go explore or visit the silent tower.

Having said all that, could you honestly say that a group of ragers would have much success there? And would it be worth it from a utility standpoint? Meaning, the coolness would be enough of a reason, yes, but would any of the things they find or information they learn be useable by a battlerager?

Anyway, all of this is by way of saying it's always sounded like a kick ass area and I wish I'd gone and experienced it already, even a little.
1119, RE: Silent Tower Miscellanea
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Having said all that, could you honestly say that a group of
>ragers would have much success there? And would it be worth
>it from a utility standpoint? Meaning, the coolness would be
>enough of a reason, yes, but would any of the things they find
>or information they learn be useable by a battlerager?

I'm speculating because I've yet to see it tried in force, but I'd like to say yes to both counts.

Based on seeing Dhaevor's Battle group in Hell some years ago, I know that the right Battle group CAN clean up even very high-end high-danger areas.

Also, I had Battle in mind in constructing the area, which both helps and hurts. It does play a little different depending on how you approach it. One valid approach is "we need to smash all the magic stuff." Certain traps have alternate solutions for Battle, and some things where spellbane or resist wouldn't normally be big helps are. Conversely, some of the 'help' that's in the area for characters/groups that will use magic is obviously off limits for Battle. Does that all balance out? I think so, but I'm not really sure.

There's a lot of great, great magic gear in the area that Battle has to avoid, but there's also a great automated quest reward (that to the best of my knowledge has never gone out) that I'd wish to have for nearly all characters, but especially Battle. Again, does that balance out? I think so, but it's hard to say.
1121, I'd love to try that quest, but...
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've only found one damn archmage to date. And I promptly did the whimper emote and discovered I couldn't escape.

I just don't think I'm the kind of guy who can take on these huge mobs with unreal powers. Dragons in distant caves that throw out evil maledicts? No probs! Trothon without a healer? Very possible! Hell down to the third level? As long as someone else leads...

The silent tower? I'm awaiting the discovery of how to insta-kill a lvl 60 mob and run :) Pwk ftw!

PS - If I did kill one of said (apparently) unescapable archmages, would I mystically be returned or am I basically looking at celebrating with suicide?

1127, RE: I'd love to try that quest, but...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>PS - If I did kill one of said (apparently) unescapable
>archmages, would I mystically be returned or am I basically
>looking at celebrating with suicide?

Only one that I can think of falls in that category, and the answer is, celebrating with suicide.

No, seriously, that's not how that's supposed to work, but I never finished that part. I always put it off because no one had ever really come close and I figured it could slide another year. I'll get on that soon.
1130, You probably got to 2. nt
Posted by Larcat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1123, RE: Silent Tower Miscellanea
Posted by Graatch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hate you.
1126, What did I do this time? (n/t)
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1133, RE: What did I do this time? (n/t)
Posted by Graatch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You made me want to go, that's what.
1124, just out of curiosity concerning the automated quest
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know where it is started and my questionis do you have to do eveything the dude asks to see the reward or is their incremental rewards for accomplishing the individual things he asks?

also does being in a group hurt you when your doing it.
1125, RE: just out of curiosity concerning the automated quest
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I know where it is started and my questionis do you have to
>do eveything the dude asks to see the reward or is their
>incremental rewards for accomplishing the individual things he

Depending on which quest you're asking about, it could be either. If it's the one I think you're thinking of, the bulk of it is definitely at the end.

>also does being in a group hurt you when your doing it.

In terms of quest completion it shouldn't. I want to say if you're there fighting when something dies that's good enough.

1115, Should I still unconditionally phe4r the treasure room?
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Or is that more forgiving when I invariable eff-up?

Honestly, I'm surprised I am not trying to bill you for the hair loss that place causes! Let alone the hundreds I spend on new keyboards and monitors ;)

1117, That is the exact spot/change
Posted by eternal_elf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That has stopped me from going back to ST.

I'm a wimp.
1120, I'm right there, soiling myself with you buddy. nt
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1118, It's not quite what it was.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But it's still a hit to the groin.

Let's say if you know what you're doing and you just happen to bone it (I've done that, FYI), you're probably less bad off than before, but if you have no clue what you're doing life is still pretty bad.