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Topic subjectShopkeeper Standardization - Complete!
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1018, Shopkeeper Standardization - Complete!
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. Over the past few years, we've been making most new shopkeepers immune to summon. It doesn't make sense that you could summon a shopkeeper away from his place of business and still purchase, say, ten suits of platemail or 50 pieces of beef jerky. Conversely, there are a few shopkeepers in the game that don't work out of a shop and have an inventory of only a few, lightweight items. It makes sense that they could do business no matter where they are. I'll be checking all 443 shopkeepers in the game to make sure their summonability makes sense. From an IC perspective, consider the strong ties a shopkeeper has to their place of business sufficient to counteract the drawing force of a summons.

2. We've never really established reasonable amounts of cash to provide shopkeepers with in order for them to do business. For example, shopkeepers in Hillcrest weren't given any copper (hence, they couldn't buy anything), shopkeepers in Dagdan were given a couple hundred copper (thus limiting the items they could buy) and shopkeepers in the Coral Palace were given 25,000 copper. We've established some guidelines, based on shopkeeper level, type of items they deal in and type of location (major town, roadside stand, uncivilized forest, etc.), for the amount of copper shopkeepers will have. In general, major cities and towns, as well as other 'civilized' areas, will generate more business for shopkeepers than a taglo jerky food stand in the middle of the Prosimy Forest. Overall, the average amount of copper a shopkeeper starts out with will roughly double (2500 to 5000) when I'm done with this round of updates.

I also checked and updated the tracking of the shopkeepers, as discussed below.

If you see errors (shopkeepers that have items for sale but won't buy that type of item (but not because they're out of money), shopkeepers with no coins (that aren't barter-specific) right after a crash or reboot, or shopkeepers associated with a shop that still track and/or are summonable), please use the typo command to let me know, thanks!

I'll take any feedback you might have via email or notes in game.

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends