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Topic subjectI'll try my hand at this....
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194, I'll try my hand at this....
Posted by Laearrist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Humans: inherent adaptability (automatic)

Owing to their natural adaptability, humans learn new skills/spells/songs/communes much faster than the non-human races. Also they have a very small chance of learning to use an ability naturally which was originally artificially bestowed.

Increased learning curve for humans (like being smarter and more wise) up to 90% or something. Also maybe 1/1000 humans who wear an item (like newbie boots) for the first time would actually learn to use that skill/spell/song/commune naturally. So 1/1000 humans who get newbie boots would learn pathfinding (naturally becomes 2% so they can get better at it) the FIRST time they wear the boots (probably a coding nightmare) but otherwise they just continue on normally.

Elf: inherent altruistic healing (invoked)

Once a month an elf may give of their own life essence to heal the extremely wounded. This has been known to shorten the lifespan of the elf and actually increase the lifespan of the person receiving the healing.

Like an inherent altruism, but limited to those that are very injured. Can't be performed on fighting persons. Heals maledictions which cause damage. Shortens lifespan of elf, lengthens lifespan of target. Pretty big lag.

Drow: inherent globe of darkness (invoked)

Using their inherent ability to create areas of complete darkness, the drow can obscure a targetted person, and exit, or an entire room. These globes can be dispelled, will naturally dissapate under bright light, but are much more effective in areas of permanent darkness like the Underdark.

Used on a target, causes blind like affects (saveable), but also increases the chance of an attack missing the target. Used on an exit, there is a chance a person will get lost in the darkness and end up back where they started (greater chance under increased stress like fleeing). An entire room will cause blind like effects for everyone there, including the drow. These can be dispelled (co 'dispel' globe) and also dissapate under bright light (flash, daytime, full moon, fireball, lightning bolt, anything that causes enough light). More effective in caves, underdark, etc.

p.s. I'm sure you've gotten this suggestion a ton already... ohh well

Elf/Drow: inherent magic resistance (automatic)

Elves and Dark-Elves, having natural affinities for magic have been known to be only marginally affected by the most damaging of spells, and the most debilatating of maledictions.

When and elf/drow makes a save on magic damage, there is a small chance the damage will be reduced by a greater amount than 1/2 (1/3 - 1/10). Also when failing a malediction save (it hits) there is a small chance of reduced duration. (Only works for magic, not communes/songs)

p.s. As elves/drow aren't resistant now, I'm guessing this won't happend, but well I feel they should be.

Half-Elf/Half-Drow: random mix (or less effective) combinations of their parentages inherent abilities. (Interesting roleplay for the evil Half-Elf with altruistic healing IMHO or the good Half-Drow with Globe etc.)

Storm Giant: Already has one, and I don't have any ideas.

Cloud Giant: inherent cloud of mist (invoked)

Cloud Giants have been known to be able to invoke a shroud of obscuring mist about their bodies under the right conditions, making themsleves difficult to locate amidst the fog. Having spent much time on cloud capped mountains, their vision is unimpaired. The water particles do, however, make they quite the target for electical attacks.

Similar to a weakened when you don't see me. Unusable in unfavorable weather conditions (extreme heat/cold, arid regions, etc.). Doesn't affect other cloud giants ability to hit them. Electical attacks cause much more damage (including shocking weapons which will hit through defenses, perhaps for less damage if they would have been parry'd, missed, etc.). Undispellable, but a bunch of fire/ice will get rid of it.

Fire Giants: see Storm Giant.

Dwarf: inherent forge (invoked)

Dwarves, owing to their natural affinity to metalworking, may attempt to strengthen an existing metal weapon at a forge using a suitable hammer.

I'm assuming these types of items exist in game. This would add +hit/dam, and strengthen the material making it harder to break. Chance of destroying the weapon in the process, and is very hard to master.

Dwarf: inherent ultimate forge (invoked)

Once in their lifetime, a master of the forge is able to gather suitable materials and create a weapon of supreme craftsmanship and power, but doing so removes the desire to ever forge again, as the dwarf knows he will never again craft anything so perfect.

A dwarf who has gotten 100% in the forge ability can create a really good weapon (like a leader weapon), but will never forge again. (I'm thinking this should be rare enough that an immortal would be able to create a suitable weapon for the dwarf, and invoking the inherent ability would just notify the immortals so proper immteraction could take place).

Duergar: inherent cloak (invoked)

Duergar, so often designing masterful ambushes in the Underdark have learned to conceal themselves naturally in areas of permanent darkness such that they are completely undetectable.

Like duo for duergar in areas of permanent darkness, but they can't move, and it takes a lot of power, so they can't do it often, maybe once a month.

p.s. This is one of my weaker ideas, but then I'm sure you people will think they all suck *wink*

Gnome: inherent pacification (invoked)

Using their great wisdom and supreme intelligence, and gnome may attempt to calm an angry foe through sheer force of will.

Like calm (I've always seen gnomes as pacifists, don't know why.)

Gnome: inherent ward (automatic)

Gnomes of great power have been known to be able to block attacks at them via a powerful mental ward.

Opening attacks have a chance of being deflected (though combat will still begin) if the gnome hasn't been engaged recently. A ward builds up around them naturally the longer they go without being in a fight, and will stop an opening blow (including spells/communes, etc.) in its tracks. Chance of working is based on how long they have been at full health and out of combat (hp/mana/mvs that they would have been regening at full health get put into some kind of ward resevoire and helps determine effectiveness). Doesn't work if the gnome doesn't see the attack coming.

Svirfs: See Fire Giant.

Wood-Elf: inherent one with nature (invoked)

Wood-Elves have been known to enter a trance when in natural surrounding that they regenerate at a phenomal rate. However, the trance is quite deep, and the Wood-Elf will be unconceren with much that goes on around him.

Greatly increased healing rate, but unable to use where/who etc. Is able to take normal actions that aren't overly observant (fighting, etc.)

Orc: inherent blood fever (invoked)

An Orc in high spirits who stands over the body of a fallen foe may enter a state of pure bloodlust. Abandoning what little intelligence an orc possesses, the orc will fight with unimaginable power, ingnoring pain completely.

A bloodthirst-esque effect. Increased hit/dam, more attacks, worse defense. Can't see own status, or statue of oponent. Greatly overestimate damage strikes cause to oponent (all unspeaks), and takes only scratches. Wimpy set to 0 for the duration, but a chance of breaking the blood fever and fleeing that increases depending on how hurt the orc is (though of course they shouldn't be able to tell how hurt they are.)

Orc: inherent run of the coward (invoked)

An Orc who has fled from battle has been known to depart with speed that their bewildered pursuers are unable to match, however the delighted hunter has more than once caught up by finding the orc dead in its tracks, having run itself to death.

After wimpying out of a fight, an orc can run (like ostrich form and others) in one direction until they hit an obstacle. The comes with increased movement costs, and if they are still running when their moves run out, they will automatically force march to keep going, until they hit a wall, or die.

Minotaur: See Svirf.

Felar: inherent cats always land on their feet (automatic)

Felar have been known to move with such agility that even when being bashed into the ground, or tripped, they manage to twist in the air and land on their feet.

Like a less effective harmonius equilibrium for felar.

p.s. Great name huh?

Arial: inherent eye peck (invoked/automatic)

Particularly vicious arials have been known to peck the eyes out of their foes when in close combat, though more than one has paid a grave price for the failed attempt.

During grappling moves (where savage feeding would go off) there is a chance to peck out the eyes causing blindness (like that raven form did). Toggleable (you are either going to try to do it or not). Failing gets a free hit on you from opponent.

Ok I think that is all of my ideas. Some are weak, some may be overpowered (though I tried to make them limited), but hey, at least I tried, right?

Laearrist, who thinks all of his ideas are in fact divinely ispired and therefore infallible.... or is that unfalible... or infalible... or... you get the idea.