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Topic subjectWierd things with ranger
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=9916
9916, Wierd things with ranger
Posted by A ranger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok, I've been able to see hidden, invisable ever since I got Wanderlust. I'm an Explorer/Bedouin Ranger.

When I got Wanderlust, I butchered a corpse and this happened.

<100%hp(100%) 99%m(99%) 92%mv(92%) 6704tnl(1.41%) forest 3 PM> butcher corpse
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have become better at wanderlust!
You have perfected wanderlust!
You butcher the corpse of Hrugland and create 3 steaks.

<100%hp(100%) 99%m(99%) 92%mv(92%) 6121tnl(9.99%) forest 3 PM>

Then at the chasm, I saw this.

100%hp(100%) 95%m(95%) 98%mv(98%) 6220tnl(12.89%) civilized 11 AM> Above the Chasm
Torn from the ashen rock of the chasm's northern wall, the blasted gray
stone is accentuated by the unnatural darkness of this place. Your light
source dims a bit, oppressed by some unspoken and damned force which
smothers its now-feeble glow. A jagged crack in the earth yawns below, a
broken path spiraling along the edges of its maw, foreboding and dark.
Only the whispering of some dread breeze breaks the silence of the abyss
below, as it stealthily creeps forth to swirl about in a chilling dance.

Eled is here.
(Invis) (Translucent) an Immortal is here.
(Invis) (Translucent) A Nightwalker defends this place without question.
9958, I think we fixed this a few days ago
Posted by Sebeok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM