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Topic subjectLearning a weapon that I am not wielding.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=5211
5211, Learning a weapon that I am not wielding.
Posted by Warrior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Here is what happened:

You get a pitch-black leather belt from the corpse of the greater jaette watchman.
You get a pitch-black ring from the corpse of the greater jaette watchman.
The gods give you 6 copper coins for your sacrifice of the corpse of the greater jaette watchman.
You keep a jaette patroller at bay with your polearm.
You have become better at sword!
You keep a jaette patroller at bay with your polearm.
A jaette patroller is in perfect health.

Should this be possible?
5213, RE: Learning a weapon that I am not wielding.
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Here is what happened:
>You get a pitch-black leather belt from the corpse of the
>greater jaette watchman.
>You get a pitch-black ring from the corpse of the greater
>jaette watchman.
>The gods give you 6 copper coins for your sacrifice of the
>corpse of the greater jaette watchman.
>You keep a jaette patroller at bay with your polearm.
>You have become better at sword!
>You keep a jaette patroller at bay with your polearm.
>A jaette patroller is in perfect health.
>Should this be possible?

It is possible for warriors to learn the weapon they are fighting against. In this case, a jaette patroller is wielding a sword and that is why you learned.