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Topic subjectOut of place healer refuses to heal but still takes coins.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=4434
4434, Out of place healer refuses to heal but still takes coins.
Posted by Unhealen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The path through the village

( 2) A pitted iron bracer lies here.
A stone well sits here, providing the village with water.
(White Aura) Alain Corbert, the abbot of Arkham Monastery.

<23%hp 63%m 65%mv 4484tnl(5 AM)(outdoor)> Alain Corbert, the abbot says 'I offer the following general supplications:'
light cure light 100 copper
serious cure serious 200 copper
critical cure critical 900 copper
heal heal 1700 copper
blindness cure blindness 700 copper
disease cure disease 1100 copper
poison cure poison 1000 copper
uncurse remove curse 1200 copper
uncurse <item> remove curse 1200 copper
refresh refresh 200 copper
mana restore mana 400 copper
commoncold cure illness 550 copper
chickenpox cure illness 700 copper
influenza cure illness 1250 copper
pneumonia cure illness 1800 copper
Type heal <type> to be healed.

<25%hp 66%m 71%mv 4484tnl(6 AM)(outdoor)> You pay Alain Corbert, the abbot 100 copper coins.
Alain Corbert, the abbot closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<25%hp 66%m 71%mv 4484tnl(6 AM)(outdoor)> heal light
You pay Alain Corbert, the abbot 100 copper coins.
Alain Corbert, the abbot closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<25%hp 66%m 71%mv 4484tnl(6 AM)(outdoor)> heal serious
You pay Alain Corbert, the abbot 200 copper coins.
Alain Corbert, the abbot closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

No healing but he took my money. I've been ripped off by a priest!!!

4438, FNCR (n/t)
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM