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Forum Name Bug Submissions
Topic subjectCreaking shifter bones.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=3253
3253, Creaking shifter bones.
Posted by Talassio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<93%hp 48%m 19%mv 2310tnl> af
You are affected by:
Spell: 'giant strength' modifies strength by 4 for 33 hours.
Power: 'mantle of the phoenix' for 20 hours.
Power: 'mantle of the phoenix' for 20 hours.
Spell: 'curse' modifies save vs spell by 11 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'curse' modifies hit roll by -5 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 1 hours.

<93%hp 48%m 19%mv 2310tnl> c shape rhino
You flicker and blur into the shape of a black rhinoceros.
Your bones creak and snap under the strain of your trauma as you shapeshift.
Your shapeshifting mauls you.

<88%hp 35%m 19%mv 2310tnl> rev
You concentrate a moment and return to your normal shape.
Your bones creak and snap under the strain of your trauma as you shapeshift.
Your shapeshifting mauls you.

I waited it out and tried like 10 ticks later just to make sure it wasnt something I couldnt see.
3256, RE: Creaking shifter bones.
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So I'm not sure what you think the bug is. There are hidden affects that cause you to creak and snap. You'd have to pray at the time it happens for confirmation, but I'm 99.9% certain this is by design.
3258, I had thought so too..
Posted by Talassio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But like I said I waited for about 5 minutes real time with no visible maladies and I was still having the problems. I eventually prayed, got no response, but when I tried again about a minute after that I was alright.

If this helps at all. I was previously scourged for about 8 hours and then Vorondel called altruism on me. So if he took the affect of the scourge perhaps the coding of the creaking bones was still there.
3265, RE: I had thought so too..
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>But like I said I waited for about 5 minutes real time with
>no visible maladies and I was still having the problems. I
>eventually prayed, got no response, but when I tried again
>about a minute after that I was alright.
>If this helps at all. I was previously scourged for about 8
>hours and then Vorondel called altruism on me. So if he took
>the affect of the scourge perhaps the coding of the creaking
>bones was still there.

Nothing I see in the code looks wierd. The only person whose affects are checked when shifting are yours, so you were affected by something, what it is I have no idea. I'd have to have seen you when you prayed.