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Topic subjectBash lag screwed up?
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2791, Bash lag screwed up?
Posted by Correllia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Here is the log. Note how long I am lagged even though they both miss bashes. They get to act before I do, even after the three round lag due to missing a bash. Aerhec is a 37 warrior, Dragkoth is a 34 ap, both are duergar. I am 40th arial warrior.

<669hp 472m 106mv 9699tnl>
Aerhec sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Aerhec's bash grazes you.
You yell 'Help! Aerhec is bashing me!'
Aerhec has a few scratches.

<662hp 472m 106mv 9699tnl>
You parry Aerhec's infernal power.
Aerhec's infernal power DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Aerhec's infernal power and return an attack of your own.
Your searing cut TORCHES Aerhec!
Dragkoth's crush maims you!
You parry Dragkoth's electrical discharge.
Aerhec parries your searing cut and returns an attack of his own.
Aerhec's infernal power EVISCERATES you!
Aerhec parries your wrath.
You parry Dragkoth's crush.
Dragkoth's crush MUTILATES you!
Aerhec has some small but disgusting cuts.

<479hp 472m 106mv 9699tnl>
Dragkoth sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Dragkoth's bash hits you.
Aerhec has some small but disgusting cuts.

<470hp 472m 106mv 9699tnl>
You parry Aerhec's infernal power and return an attack of your own.
Your searing cut TORCHES Aerhec!
You parry Aerhec's defilement.
You parry Aerhec's defilement.
Aerhec parries your searing cut.
Aerhec dodges your wrath.
Aerhec dodges your searing cut.
Aerhec parries your wrath.
You dodge Dragkoth's crush.
You dodge Dragkoth's crush.
Aerhec is covered with bleeding wounds.

<470hp 472m 106mv 9699tnl>
Aerhec sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Aerhec's bash grazes you.
Aerhec is covered with bleeding wounds.

<464hp 472m 106mv 9699tnl>
You parry Aerhec's infernal power.
You parry Aerhec's defilement.
You dodge Aerhec's defilement.
You parry Aerhec's infernal power.
Aerhec parries your searing cut.
Aerhec dodges your wrath.
Aerhec dodges your searing cut.
Dragkoth's crush EVISCERATES you!
Dragkoth's electrical discharge MASSACRES you!
Aerhec is covered with bleeding wounds.

<356hp 481m 146mv 9699tnl> flee

You parry Aerhec's infernal power.
You parry Aerhec's defilement.
Aerhec dodges your searing cut.
Aerhec parries your wrath.
Aerhec parries your wrath and returns an attack of his own.
Aerhec's infernal power MUTILATES you!
You parry Dragkoth's crush.
You parry Dragkoth's electrical discharge.
Aerhec is covered with bleeding wounds.

<319hp 481m 146mv 9699tnl>
Dragkoth drops low and swings a bloody pitch-black warhammer. Pain rips through your leg as it connects!
Your leg gives way, and you have to struggle to stay on your feet.
Dragkoth's crippling strike decimates you!
Aerhec is covered with bleeding wounds.

<291hp 481m 93mv 9699tnl>
Aerhec sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Aerhec's bash scratches you.
Aerhec is covered with bleeding wounds.

<289hp 481m 93mv 9699tnl>
You parry Aerhec's infernal power.
You parry Aerhec's defilement.
You parry Aerhec's infernal power and return an attack of your own.
Your searing cut TORCHES Aerhec!
Your searing cut RAZES Aerhec!
Aerhec parries your wrath.
Aerhec parries your searing cut.
You parry Dragkoth's crush.
You parry Dragkoth's electrical discharge and return an attack of your own.
Your searing cut RAZES Dragkoth!
You dodge Dragkoth's electrical discharge.
Aerhec is covered with bleeding wounds.

<289hp 481m 93mv 9699tnl>
You parry Aerhec's infernal power and return an attack of your own.
Your searing cut TORCHES Aerhec!
Aerhec's defilement MUTILATES you!
You parry Aerhec's defilement.
Aerhec parries your searing cut.
Aerhec parries your wrath.
You dodge Dragkoth's crush.
You parry Dragkoth's crush.
You dodge Dragkoth's electrical discharge.
Aerhec is gushing blood.

<248hp 481m 93mv 9699tnl>
Dragkoth sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Dragkoth's bash grazes you.
Aerhec is gushing blood.

<241hp 481m 93mv 9699tnl>
Nost has arrived.
Aerhec is gushing blood.

<241hp 481m 93mv 9699tnl>
Aerhec's bash misses you.
You evade Aerhec's bash, causing him to fall flat on his face.
Aerhec is gushing blood.


<241hp 481m 93mv 9699tnl>
You dodge Aerhec's infernal power.
Aerhec's infernal power maims you!
Aerhec parries your searing cut and returns an attack of his own.
Aerhec's infernal power MUTILATES you!
Aerhec parries your wrath.
Your wrath MANGLES Aerhec!
Aerhec parries your searing cut.
You parry Dragkoth's crush.
You parry Dragkoth's electrical discharge.
Dragkoth's crush decimates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You parry Dragkoth's crush.
Aerhec is writhing in agony.

<141hp 481m 93mv 9699tnl>
Jaylaan wakes and stands up.
Aerhec is writhing in agony.

<141hp 481m 93mv 9699tnl>
Nost leaves north.
Aerhec is writhing in agony.

<141hp 481m 93mv 9699tnl>
You dodge Aerhec's infernal power.
You dodge Aerhec's defilement.
You dodge Aerhec's infernal power.
Aerhec parries your searing cut.
Aerhec parries your searing cut.
You parry Dragkoth's crush.
Dragkoth's electrical discharge EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You dodge Dragkoth's crush.
Aerhec is writhing in agony.

<93hp 481m 93mv 9699tnl>
Dragkoth's bash misses you.
You evade Dragkoth's bash, causing him to fall flat on his face.
Aerhec is writhing in agony.


<93hp 481m 93mv 9699tnl>
You parry Aerhec's infernal power.
Aerhec's defilement MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You dodge Aerhec's infernal power.
Your searing cut CHARS Aerhec!
Aerhec parries your wrath.
Aerhec parries your searing cut.
Aerhec parries your searing cut.
You parry Dragkoth's crush.
You dodge Dragkoth's electrical discharge.
You parry Dragkoth's crush.
Aerhec is convulsing on the ground.

<56hp 481m 93mv 9699tnl>
Nost has arrived.
Aerhec is writhing in agony.

<66hp 489m 133mv 9699tnl>
Aerhec sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Aerhec's bash hits you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Aerhec is writhing in agony.


<56hp 489m 133mv 9699tnl>
You parry Aerhec's infernal power.
You parry Aerhec's defilement.
You parry Aerhec's infernal power and return an attack of your own.
Your searing cut RAZES Aerhec!
Aerhec's infernal power misses you.
Aerhec parries your searing cut.
Aerhec parries your wrath.
Aerhec parries your searing cut.
You parry Dragkoth's crush.
You parry Dragkoth's electrical discharge.
You parry Dragkoth's electrical discharge.
Aerhec is convulsing on the ground.

<56hp 489m 133mv 9699tnl> flee

You parry Aerhec's infernal power and return an attack of your own.
Your searing cut TORCHES Aerhec!
Aerhec is DEAD!!
You hear Aerhec's death cry.
You dodge Dragkoth's crush.
Dragkoth's electrical discharge MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Dragkoth's crush devastates you!
You have been KILLED!!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!

<1hp 1m 133mv 9699tnl> Better stand up first.
2793, By design.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bash's lag is variable, but in favorable circumstances, it's possible for one person to hold you still, let alone two. The fact that they missed in there had nothing to do with it- if a second bash connects before you recover from the first, your command still does not gain priority.

2805, RE: By design.
Posted by Correllia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I know that, but what I think is different here is that he recovered from a missed bash (three rounds) and then bashed, before I recovered from being bashed.

That's supposed to happen?
2806, I done told you: It can. No bug. (n/t)
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
