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Forum Name Bug Submissions
Topic subjectRescue
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=25224
25224, Rescue
Posted by druidrescuebug on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your caustic smash mauls a gargoyle.
A gargoyle has a few scratches.

799 812 897 26000 wilderness mountain 5 PM outdoor waning raining
Your shield blocks a gargoyle's smash.
You parry a gargoyle's smash.
Your caustic smash wounds a gargoyle.
Your caustic smash wounds a gargoyle.
The Treant screams and attacks a gargoyle!
The Treant's beating MUTILATES a gargoyle!
The Treant's beating maims a gargoyle!
An angry pack of wolves screams and attacks a gargoyle!
An angry pack of wolves's bite EVISCERATES a gargoyle!
An angry pack of wolves's bite EVISCERATES a gargoyle!
An angry pack of wolves's bite EVISCERATES a gargoyle!
A gargoyle has some small but disgusting cuts.

799 812 897 26000 wilderness mountain 5 PM outdoor waning raining order treant rescue zcarad
A gargoyle has some small but disgusting cuts.

799 812 897 26000 wilderness mountain 5 PM outdoor waning raining order treant rescue zcarad

A gargoyle's blow to your shield leaves your arm ringing.
You parry a gargoyle's smash.
Your caustic smash mauls a gargoyle.
A gargoyle has some small but disgusting cuts.

799 812 897 26000 wilderness mountain 5 PM outdoor waning raining The Treant rescues you from a gargoyle!

799 812 897 26000 wilderness mountain 5 PM outdoor waning raining order treant rescue zcarad


820 924 966 26000 wilderness mountain 6 PM outdoor waning raining
The Treant's beating maims a gargoyle!
A gargoyle parries your caustic smash.
An angry pack of wolves's bite EVISCERATES a gargoyle!
An angry pack of wolves's bite DISMEMBERS a gargoyle!
An angry pack of wolves's bite EVISCERATES a gargoyle!
An angry pack of wolves's bite EVISCERATES a gargoyle!
A gargoyle's smash wounds the Treant.
A gargoyle is covered with bleeding wounds.

820 924 966 26000 wilderness mountain 6 PM outdoor waning raining A gargoyle is covered with bleeding wounds.

820 924 966 26000 wilderness mountain 6 PM outdoor waning raining
The Treant's beating maims a gargoyle!
The Treant's beating maims a gargoyle!
An angry pack of wolves's bite DISMEMBERS a gargoyle!
An angry pack of wolves's bite EVISCERATES a gargoyle!
An angry pack of wolves's bite EVISCERATES a gargoyle!
Your caustic smash wounds a gargoyle.
A gargoyle is gushing blood.

820 924 966 26000 wilderness mountain 6 PM outdoor waning raining order treant rescue zcarad
The Treant rescues you from a gargoyle!

820 924 966 26000 wilderness mountain 6 PM outdoor waning raining
The Treant's beating MUTILATES a gargoyle!
A gargoyle dodges your caustic smash.
An angry pack of wolves's bite EVISCERATES a gargoyle!
An angry pack of wolves's bite misses a gargoyle.
An angry pack of wolves's bite EVISCERATES a gargoyle!
A gargoyle's smash mauls the Treant.
A gargoyle is gushing blood.

820 924 966 26000 wilderness mountain 6 PM outdoor waning raining order treant rescue zcarad
order treant rescue zcarad
A gargoyle is gushing blood.

820 924 966 26000 wilderness mountain 6 PM outdoor waning raining The Treant's beating MUTILATES a gargoyle!
The Treant's beating maims a gargoyle!
An angry pack of wolves's bite DISMEMBERS a gargoyle!
An angry pack of wolves's bite EVISCERATES a gargoyle!
An angry pack of wolves's bite EVISCERATES a gargoyle!
A gargoyle's smash decimates the Treant!
Your caustic smash wounds a gargoyle.
A gargoyle is writhing in agony.

820 924 966 26000 wilderness mountain 6 PM outdoor waning raining
The Treant's beating devastates a gargoyle!
The Treant's beating MUTILATES a gargoyle!
An angry pack of wolves's bite DISMEMBERS a gargoyle!
An angry pack of wolves's bite DISMEMBERS a gargoyle!
An angry pack of wolves's bite DISMEMBERS a gargoyle!
Your caustic smash wounds a gargoyle.
A gargoyle is convulsing on the ground.

820 924 966 26000 wilderness mountain 6 PM outdoor waning raining order treant rescue zcarad
The Treant rescues you from a gargoyle!

820 924 966 26000 wilderness mountain 6 PM outdoor waning raining
The Treant's beating maims a gargoyle!
Your caustic smash wounds a gargoyle.
A gargoyle dodges your caustic smash.
An angry pack of wolves's bite EVISCERATES a gargoyle!
A gargoyle is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points (37% bonus).

Rescue command sometimes doesnt seem to go through and lag when it should have, if you count how many times I tried to do it, and when it actually works. I can log more if you need.
25297, Seems fine.
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't see anything wrong here.