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Forum Name Bug Submissions
Topic subjectKinship again with details
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=25037
25037, Kinship again with details
Posted by Gnome123 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Hall of Healing Medicine
This room is quiet, as priests line the walls, each one in deep meditation.
The head healer of Hillcrest is here as well. The whole room is full of
information on the body, as you see various charts on the walls as well as
different plants that have medicinal purposes. Every once in a while, a priest
will bring in a patient and the all of them will see if they can alleviate
the affliction. Most of the times the gods answer the prayers of the healers
and the sickness or injury heals. Once in a while, the gods will not and the
gnomes know that there is nothing more they can do. By heading west, you
can enter the hallway outside.

(White Aura) The Healer of Hillcrest is here, teaching her students to meditate.

civilized <1079hp 1439m 1096mv 4 PM>
l 2.
This healer is ancient. Her skin is gray, almost the color of the stones that
make up this very room. White hair flows from her head like a waterfall of
snow, framing eyes that are clear enough to tell you that she has not lost one
ounce of wisdom throughout the years. She has seen governors of Hillcrest
come and go, and still she lives on in quiet solitude, meditating to her
god day in and day out. She is thinking of soon giving up this world, but
won't do so until she knows that the temple of wisdom will be in good hands
with one of her students.
The Healer is in perfect health.

the Healer is using:
<held in hand> the talisman of healing medicine

kinship healer discuss talisman
The Healer says 'I'm sorry, I cannot give you that.'

kinship healer discuss healing
The Healer says 'I'm sorry, I cannot give you that.'

25039, Seems fine.
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't understand - it is telling you it cannot give you that.
That isn't a bug.

It's telling you "no".

Not every mob is kinship friendly, not every mob is friendly about every object it has. That's normal.