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Topic subjectDodged while asleep
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24299, Dodged while asleep
Posted by Necromancerguy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
ivilized 1459hp 1059ma 1188mv W S A (5 PM)
Infeinryn's poisonous stab DISMEMBERS Baemhoog!
Closing in, Baemhoog savages Infeinryn's face with his teeth!
Baemhoog's savage feeding MASSACRES Infeinryn!
Infeinryn appears momentarily stunned as shock sets in!
Infeinryn avoids Baemhoog's attempt to run into him.
Baemhoog's bash misses Infeinryn.
Infeinryn yells 'Help! Baemhoog is bashing me!'
Infeinryn is gushing blood.

civilized 1459hp 1059ma 1188mv W S A (5 PM)
Infeinryn dodges your defilement and closes in for a concealed attack!
Infeinryn's poisonous stab is powerless against you.
Infeinryn dodges your defilement and closes in for a concealed attack!
Infeinryn's poisonous stab is powerless against you.
Infeinryn's poisonous stab MASSACRES Baemhoog!
An enormous giant screams and attacks Infeinryn!
You parry Infeinryn's poisonous stab.
Infeinryn's poisonous stab is powerless against you.
Infeinryn is gushing blood.

civilized 1459hp 1059ma 1188mv W S A (5 PM)
Infeinryn has fled!

civilized 1459hp 1059ma 1188mv W S A (5 PM) c sleep Infeinryn
c sleep Infeinryn
Infeinryn yells 'Die, Odaza, you sorcerous dog!'
Infeinryn's legs buckle, and he suddenly slumps to the ground and sleeps.

civilized 1459hp 1044ma 1188mv W S A (5 PM) c sleep Infeinryn
Infeinryn yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Infeinryn is already held in slumber.

civilized 1459hp 1029ma 1188mv W S A (5 PM) Baemhoog grins evilly.

civilized 1459hp 1029ma 1188mv W S A (5 PM)
Baemhoog drinks elf blood from a bloody skin.

civilized 1459hp 1029ma 1188mv W S A (5 PM) Infeinryn yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Infeinryn is already held in slumber.

civilized 1459hp 1014ma 1188mv W S A (5 PM) c bli inf
Infeinryn yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Infeinryn twitches, his closed eyes wincing, then recovers.

civilized 1459hp 1009ma 1188mv W S A (5 PM)
Baemhoog looks at Infeinryn.
The rain ceases.
An enormous giant shivers and suffers.
An enormous giant's poison maims him!
An enormous giant continues to bleed from his wounds.
An enormous giant's bleeding artery MUTILATES him!
Your protective spirits return to the netherworld.
Baemhoog continues to bleed from his wounds.
Baemhoog's bleeding MUTILATES him!

civilized 1470hp 1043ma 1188mv W A (6 PM) c bli inf
Infeinryn yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Infeinryn twitches, his closed eyes wincing, then recovers.

civilized 1470hp 1038ma 1188mv W A (6 PM) c bli inf
Infeinryn yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Infeinryn's eyes open briefly in pain then roll back into his head, clouding with a viscid film.

civilized 1470hp 1033ma 1188mv W A (6 PM) ==== BLINDED =====
c weak inf
Infeinryn yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You hover over the prone Infeinryn, but he resists your enfeebling grip.

civilized 1470hp 1013ma 1188mv W A (6 PM) c weak inf
Infeinryn yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You hover over the prone Infeinryn, but he resists your enfeebling grip.

civilized 1470hp 993ma 1188mv W A (6 PM) c weak inf
Infeinryn yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You hover over the prone Infeinryn, but he resists your enfeebling grip.

civilized 1470hp 973ma 1188mv W A (6 PM) c weak inf
Infeinryn yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You hover over Infeinryn, visiting the chill of the grave on his prone form.

civilized 1470hp 953ma 1188mv W A (6 PM) ===== WEAKENED =======

An enormous giant shivers and suffers.
An enormous giant's poison maims him!
The sun sets below the horizon.
Baemhoog slowly floats to the ground.
Baemhoog continues to bleed from his wounds.
Baemhoog's leaking blood pools upon the ground.
Baemhoog's bleeding MUTILATES him!

civilized 1481hp 985ma 1188mv W A (7 PM) gr
Odaza's group:
< NPC > a zombie of the old dwarf 26% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
< NPC > a zombie of the dwarven smith 93% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
< NPC > a zombie of the old dwarf 69% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
< NPC > a zombie of the dwarven smith 73% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
<51 Nec> Odaza 83% hp 74% mana 100% mv 557300 xp

civilized 1481hp 985ma 1188mv W A (7 PM)
Baemhoog gets a potion of flight from a floating chest.

civilized 1481hp 985ma 1188mv W A (7 PM) l
A Blood-stained Path Through the Village
This path you tread winds among the huts, and is an unusual reddish-brown
tint along its entire length. Legend has it that the color comes from the
blood of the thousands of villagers who died in defense of this soil, and
of the tens of thousands of attackers they took down with them. Smoke,
fumes, and the brutally loud ring of metal come from the south, while a
rough barbaric voice drifts to you from an odd looking hut to the north.

( 2) Dust from passing travelers settles softly over a small pool of fresh blood.
Infeinryn is sleeping here.
A zombie of the old dwarf is here.
A zombie of the old dwarf is here.
An oppressive giant is here, defending the walls of Ostalagiah.
Baemhoog is here.

civilized 1481hp 985ma 1188mv W A (7 PM) l inf
A sense of silence and stealth surrounds this ebon-skinned elf
before you. When he walks it is with careful purpose such that
even his armor and weapons never make the slightest sound. His
body type is lean and tall, though far from lanky. His skin is
as dark as charcoal and his eyes glow in the night like soft
embers with grim depth. Every action he takes is with muffled
quietness associated more with assassination than direct combat
though with the dully polished black blades he carries he seems
ready for either. When he speaks it is without a wasted word
and only the most startling of personal attacks could lead him
to a verbose exclamation.

He often stands quietly out of the way, still as a statue. His
general resolve seems one used to waiting patiently. He keeps
his fingers intertwined with his hands clasped before him more
often than not, though never far from the blades at his waist.
His hair is typical for those of his race, a white as soft as
snow. Stray wisps float away from his face at the slightest
breeze, the rest is tied behind his neck and falls to his
shoulders. You suspect by his neat and fit appearance, as well
as his overall composure that he is quite attractive to others
of his race, and beyond.

Infeinryn, a male dark-elf, is covered with bleeding wounds.

Infeinryn is using:
<worn on finger> a golden lion's wrath ring
<worn on finger> a golden lion's wrath ring
<worn around neck> a noble's un'zeth
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a mantle of air
<worn on body> an adamantite vest emblazoned with the insignia of Nel'Zikahn
<worn on head> a slime-covered helmet made of charcoal dragonscales
<worn on face> spiked mask of darkened bronze
<worn on legs> stylish black leather pants
<worn on feet> delicately pointed sabatons
<worn on hands> dark green gloves covered with inscriptions
<worn on arms> a pair of hunter's bracers
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist> a girdle of giant strength
<worn around wrist> a brass dragonscale bracer
<worn around wrist> a lead bracer
<mainhand wielded> a sharp, yellowed fang
<offhand wielded> a brass dragon's talon

civilized 1481hp 985ma 1188mv W A (7 PM) c crim inf
Infeinryn yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Infeinryn resists the disease.

civilized 1481hp 960ma 1188mv W A (7 PM) ==== failed =====
c crim inf
Infeinryn yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Infeinryn effortlessly dodges your spell, almost as if he knew it was coming.
Infeinryn yells 'Help! Someone just attacked me!'
Infeinryn dodges your defilement.
Infeinryn parries your defilement.
A zombie of the old dwarf screams and attacks Infeinryn!
A zombie of the old dwarf screams and attacks Infeinryn!
You execute the form Lightning of Three Prongs!
Infeinryn parries your defilement.
Infeinryn parries your defilement.
Infeinryn dodges your defilement.
You parry Infeinryn's poisonous stab.
You parry Infeinryn's claw.
You parry Infeinryn's claw.
You parry Infeinryn's claw.
Infeinryn is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized 1481hp 920ma 1188mv W A (7 PM)
Infeinryn has fled!

As you can see, he was covered only.
slept only 2 tics.
had no spells to cause any damage on him
he dodged the spell, while asleep, thus waking him.

24367, Fixed.
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While some tossing and turning in your sleep may make you dodge an axe, this one was weird.

So sleeping folks will be less likely to jump and do a flip and dodge a thing.