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Topic subjectIs Primdorial Vegenace really meant to do this?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=24180
24180, Is Primdorial Vegenace really meant to do this?
Posted by Orc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You stumble over the rough terrain, landing hard on the ground.
The fall scratches you.
A potion of returning spills onto the ground!
A flawless blue glass vial spills onto the ground!
A floating chest spills its contents as you stumble!

You stumble over the rough terrain, landing hard on the ground.
The fall scratches you.
A potion of returning spills onto the ground!
A flawless blue glass vial spills onto the ground!
A floating chest spills its contents as you stumble!

wilderness cave <1107/1329(83%)hp 376/458(82%)m 1233/1281(96%)mv 34801tnl (-97.73%) 1 PM> You have 23 gold, 157 silver, and 1509 copper, which is worth 27649 copper.
You have 456399 experience and need 34801 more experience to gain a rank.

wilderness cave <1107/1329(83%)hp 376/458(82%)m 1233/1281(96%)mv 34801tnl (-97.73%) 1 PM> get all
You see nothing here for you to take.

When you look inside, you see it is empty.
A floating chest contains:

It destroys everything in the chest?
24183, Needs more info.
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd need an unsnipped log showing me:
The room.
That nobody was around to take it.
The full contents before vs. the full contents afterwards.

I checked the code and it *looks* fine, so stuff shouldn't be destroyed absent other specific things unrelated to primordial.