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Topic subjectAssassinate
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=2362
2362, Assassinate
Posted by Calion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This seems like such a rare scenario that it might be an oversight in reducing the chances of assassinate:

<744hp 582m 679mv 6 PM>
The undead trolloc yells 'Amitofo! Now you die!'
The undead trolloc's beating DISMEMBERS you!
The undead trolloc is gushing blood.

<686hp 582m 679mv 6 PM> stalk VanadulinNo way! You are still fighting!
The undead trolloc is gushing blood.

<686hp 582m 679mv 6 PM> flee
You step out of the shadows.
You trample around loudly again.
The undead trolloc parries your freezing bite.
Your freezing bite wounds the undead trolloc.
You parry the undead trolloc's beating.
You dodge the undead trolloc's beating.
The undead trolloc's beating DISMEMBERS you!
The undead trolloc is gushing blood.

<622hp 582m 679mv 6 PM> Approaching the Mountains

A bottle of a very fine Elven white wine rests here.
Elstratuviel is here.
Vanadulin is resting here.
You flee from combat!

<622hp 582m 673mv 6 PM> hidesneakYou attempt to hide.

<622hp 582m 673mv 6 PM> You attempt to move silently.

<622hp 582m 673mv 6 PM> assass Vanadulin
You slide up behind Vanadulin and drive your sword through her back.
Vanadulin falls to the floor, blood flooding from her pierced heart.
Vanadulin is DEAD!!
Vanadulin's hands are sliced from her dead body.
2571, Unlikely, but by design. (n/t)
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
