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Forum Name Bug Submissions
Topic subjectExtreme Leeching Bug.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=2198
2198, Extreme Leeching Bug.
Posted by AP on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<772/772hp 379/655m 595mv |9 PM> 19401tnl
You finish leeching the power from 's a large battleaxe named 'Frostreaver'.
A large battleaxe named 'Frostreaver' glows black for a moment, then fades and crumbles into dust!
A jagged black saber glows blacker than night and drips a few drops of blood to the ground.
Your leeching of power MANGLES Arakan!

<772/772hp 411/655m 595mv |11 PM> 19401tnl
Arakan tells you 'Did you just leech an axe?'

<772/772hp 423/655m 595mv |1 AM> 19401tnl whois ar
<13 Human A-P> Arakan the Crimson Sword
<15 Arial Sha> Araweteh the Oracle
<51 W-Elf Bar> Araekor the Grand Master of Artistry

** The weapon was Treedenup's, and I'm assuming he deleted, and maybe re-rolled **
** this little guy, and somehow the damage got redirected? Treedenup was also a **
** human anti-paladin. **
2660, FNCR (n/t)
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM