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Topic subject"You can't find that person to fly to them."
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=21821
21821, "You can't find that person to fly to them."
Posted by Kowelu Rizzle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You flicker and blur into the shape of a manticore.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You are filled with the slyness of the fox.
Your bones creak and snap under the strain of your trauma as you shapeshift.
You trample around loudly again.
Your shapeshifting scratches you.

civilized outdoor <94%hp 83%m 96%mv 12 AM> flyto zigu; rake zigu
You can't find that person to fly to them.

civilized outdoor <94%hp 83%m 96%mv 12 AM> They aren't here.

civilized outdoor <94%hp 83%m 96%mv 12 AM> whe
People near you:
(PK) Zigurafet A Stone Bridge Across Voralia's Tears
(PK) a manticore Beyond the Outskirts of Galadon
Pudgan On a Bridge Over the Khalid River


People near you:
(PK) Zigurafet Along the Eastern Road
(PK) a manticore Along the Eastern Road
Pudgan Along the Eastern Road

civilized outdoor <94%hp 83%m 95%mv 12 AM>
You begin to sneak again.

civilized outdoor <94%hp 78%m 98%mv 1 AM> flyto Zigurafet
You can't find that person to fly to them.

civilized outdoor <94%hp 78%m 98%mv 1 AM> whe
People near you:
(PK) Zigurafet Along the Eastern Road
(PK) a manticore Along the Eastern Road
Pudgan Along the Eastern Road

Worked just fine yesterday. Is that the maledict? All my stats are still overmax.
21823, Flyto (and a few other things)
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Were adjusted in the recent past to not work on someone who had just recently logged in or unghosted or a few other things. Without anymore info to go on, I would assume this is what is happening.
21825, Seems to be the case then
Posted by Kowelu Rizzle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It would be beneficial to have a specific echo mentioning it, though.

There's a different echo when you can't fly to them if they recently logged on, but when recently unghosted it's just "can't find that person".