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Forum Name Bug Submissions
Topic subjectProblem with rewielding a primary weapon after being disarmed.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=2106
2106, Problem with rewielding a primary weapon after being disarmed.
Posted by Guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I noticed in a recent fight that when I am disarmed, my dual wielded
weapon switches to my primary slot, which means that when I try to pick
up my disarmed weapon and rewield, I get the "they don't compliment
each other" crap, which can really ruin my day since it means that I
have to remove primary, wield real primary, wield secondary in the
middle of a fight. Can you fix this? It didn't use to be this way.
2111, RE: Problem with rewielding a primary weapon after being disarmed.
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I noticed in a recent fight that when I am disarmed, my dual
>weapon switches to my primary slot, which means that when I
>try to pick
>up my disarmed weapon and rewield, I get the "they don't
>each other" crap, which can really ruin my day since it means
>that I
>have to remove primary, wield real primary, wield secondary in
>middle of a fight. Can you fix this? It didn't use to be this

Actually it's always been this way, and to fix it we basically have to totally overhaul the wield command. It's been on the list a while, but the project is huge and time consuming and nobody has jumped at it. I actually tried working on it once, after about a week of not getting anywhere, I gave up and went back to other things.