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Topic subjectthe Hammer that's an axe
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=20183
20183, the Hammer that's an axe
Posted by Ruosti on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
civilized <1044hp 891m 1178mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM> tipsy l 3.
Sivin Zrynk'Alyl is a beautiful specimen of his race. His feathers are
rich black, nearly raven-like in color, shining and throwing rainbows of
deep color when the light hits. His beak is pure white, his eyes a warm
yellow. Toned muscles adorn his figure, and he stretches arrogantly as
he sees you watching, showing off a frame with not an ounce of spare fat.
His wings are wide and full, though he mostly keeps them tucked back
within the Academy. He graces the practice mats, floating just barely above
their surfaces as he undulates between yoga mantras, seamlessly flowing
from warrior pose to tree and showing off many that are much more complicated.
Sivin Zrynk'Alyl the guild guardian is in perfect health.

Sivin Zrynk'Alyl the guild guardian is using:
<mainhand wielded> an acid-etched flange hammer

civilized <1044hp 891m 1178mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM> tipsy w
Sivin Zrynk'Alyl the guild guardian says 'You aren't allowed in there!'

civilized <1044hp 891m 1178mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 10 AM> tipsy con siv
Your best guess is that he is an arial.
He is specialized in maces.
You could kill Sivin Zrynk'Alyl the guild guardian with your little finger.
Sivin Zrynk'Alyl the guild guardian is about the same size you are.
He looks just as disinterested as you.

civilized <1044hp 891m 1178mv 26000tnl (-24.40%) 12 PM> tipsy l hammer
A slender wooden handle extends roughly two feet before joining a
six flanged steel head. It looks as though there is a small crevice
centered in between the multiple flanges that leaks minuscule amounts
of an acidic substance. Shallow pits mar the surface of the hammer
head but appear to leave no lasting damage.

An acid-etched flange hammer is an axe, made of wood, and weighs 8 pounds 9 ounces.
20476, Fixed some time ago. (n/t)
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
