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Forum Name Bug Submissions
Topic subjectLook bug in the tower.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=1882
1882, Look bug in the tower.
Posted by Shifter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok, I give.

What the heck is <-> and what does it look like. *chuckle* I'm not sure if this is room specific, but as I noticed it in the tower of sorcery I figured I'd mention it.



<572hp 612m 476mv 9829tnl> l
A Small Room
This small room is unnaturally quiet. The smooth gray stones of the floor,
walls, and ceiling are illuminated by an unwavering white light. Two narrow
beds, one atop the other, dominate one wall, set firmly into the corners. A
small desk and wardrobe have been packed into the remaining space. Though
everything is as clean in this room as in those on the lower levels, it
appears as though these students are allowed to have more personal
possessions. Several pictures, probably of the students' families, line the
walls as do paintings and other decorations. A door is set into the east

Exits: east *note: Edited brackets out on this line so it'd show properly. The rest of the log is unedited.*

<572hp 612m 476mv 9829tnl> l 2.

A fine green robe is armor worn about the body, made of cloth, and weighs 5
pounds 4 ounces.

<572hp 612m 476mv 9829tnl> l robe
This finely stitched green robe is strikingly
beautiful. It's of a very high
quality, having been double-stitched for strength. The cloth is a very
light cotton that does not trap heat and is thus very cool. A magical rune
is stitched into the lapel, it looks to be some type of ward.

A fine green robe is armor worn about the body, made of cloth, and weighs 5
pounds 4 ounces.

1898, Not a bug
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That is the description of something you looked at...however you used numbers so have no idea what you looked at. Try reading descriptions once in awhile.