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Topic subjectOdd thing in Half-elf helpfile
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=18246
18246, Odd thing in Half-elf helpfile
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Helpfile says they move quietly in natural terrain. Not sure whether they actually do or not and the helpfile's wrong, or if they're supposed to and don't and the helpfile states the staff's intentions, or what. Friend told me to bugboard it, though.

Half-elves are a cross-breed between a human and any of the three pure races
of elves. They are not quite as astute and wise as pure elves but tend to be
more sturdy and strong. Like pure elves, half-elves see in the dark with
infravision. Depending on their parents, a half-elf is usually anywhere from
5'6" to 6'4", and their more slender builds are characteristic of their elven
blood. Their skin tones vary, reflecting their heritage on both sides.
Unlike elves, half-elves are able to grow facial hair.

Their blood leaves them vulnerable to metals forbidden to their elven
ancestors; descendants of high elves and wood elves cannot handle iron, and
those of drowish descent will be burned by mithril. Because of their mixed
lineage, though, they are only half as vulnerable as their elven parent.
Furthermore, they are able to hold and sacrifice (but not wear) items of these
metals where full-blood elves cannot.

Half-elves and half-drow move quietly in natural terrain.

Max stats:
Str: Strong (19) Int: Super-genius (21) Wis: Sagacious (21)
Dex: Quick (21) Con: Healthy (19) Cha: Charismatic (20)

Half-elves increase their maximum possible value in the prime stat of their
chosen class.
Warriors may choose their prime stat and gain +3 in it, with the exception of
Dexterity for half-elves, not half-drow, which yields +1 Strength and +2
Dexterity as a result.

Half-Elves of any heritage may be of any alignment and any class but
Berserker. Their beliefs and training often reflect the culture in which
they are raised.
18382, Try 'help quiet movement' (n/t)
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM